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Tampa Bay Wetland Restoration Research Workshop

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On July 24-25, scientists from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, the Southwest Florida Water Management District, and Pinellas County met to exchange ideas and discuss wetland-restoration issues pertaining to Tampa Bay at the Tampa Bay Wetland Restoration Research Workshop.

The USGS hosted the workshop at the Weedon Island Visitors Center in St. Petersburg, FL. The goal of the workshop was twofold: to ascertain the science-information needs of land managers and to identify research questions that can be addressed by the USGS Tampa Bay Study.

Workshop scientists presented summary talks on work currently underway or in active planning stages at the State of Florida's Terra Ceia Aquatic Preserve and at Pinellas County's Weedon Island and Mobbly Bayou Preserves.

Hydrologic changes to wetlands (ditching for mosquito control) are common to all three sites. Managers gave overviews on preserve features and management challenges. Workshop participants discussed historical perspectives and future ecological goals for wetland restoration. Open discussion led to clarification of research needs. There was a consensus that diverse baseline or prerestoration data are essential to judging the success of restoration projects at all the preserve sites.

Ideally, baseline data required for each of the sites discussed would include:

  • Surface-water characterization (stage, salinity)

  • Ground-water influence

  • Mosquito-ditch functionality for fish use

  • Historical vegetation patterns pre- and post-ditching

  • Faunal surveys for reptiles, amphibians, birds

  • Baseline topography at select locations

Participants will work in smaller, focused groups to implement the necessary monitoring and research activities. Given that the timeframe for the Terra Ceia site is immediate, work will begin first at this site and will be phased in at the other two restoration sites.

Related Web Sites
Tampa Bay Study
U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)
Environmental Management
Pinellas County, FL
Weedon Island Preserve
Pinellas County, FL

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Updated January 18, 2013 @ 10:12 AM (THF)