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International Conference on Continental Shelf Limits

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Debbie Hutchinson, Margaret Keller, and Jon Childs [alt text]
Plate boundary: USGS scientists (from left to right) Debbie Hutchinson (Woods Hole, MA), Margaret Keller (Menlo Park, CA), and Jon Childs (Menlo Park, CA) are standing on the American Plate, against a backdrop of the exposed Mid-Atlantic Ridge where it intersects Iceland, with the European Plate in the background.

U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) scientists Debbie Hutchinson (Woods Hole, MA) and Jon Childs (Menlo Park, CA) attended the Conference on Legal and Scientific Aspects of Continental Shelf Limits, held in Reykjavik, Iceland, June 25 through 27.

With more than 40 nations and the United Nations represented, the conference focused on the intersection of science, law, and politics that has been created by the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) and, in particular, Article 76, which defines how a coastal nation might extend the limits of its continental margin beyond 200 nautical miles.

The United States signed UNCLOS during the Clinton administration, but the Senate has not yet ratified it. President Bush has expressed his support for ratification, and expectations are that ratification will occur in the near future.

Presenters at the conference included Larry Mayer (University of New Hampshire and a frequent collaborator with USGS coastal and marine scientists) and Art Grantz (Stanford University and USGS, retired). After the proceedings, the organizers sponsored an excursion around southwestern Iceland.

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Oceans and Law of the Sea
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