January 30, 2012

Daily Housing News Round-up

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                    Secretary Donovan on Ending Housing Discrimination Against LGBT Americans. HAMP extended for another year. Affordable housing project in the works for residents in Fort Collins, Colorado. Volunteers in Houston, Texas; Bell County, Texas; Hudson County, NJ; Jacksonville and Cumberland County, NC hit the streets for [...]


Ending Housing Discrimination Against LGBT Americans

On Saturday, I was proud to speak before the 24th National Gay and Lesbian Task Force “Creating Change” Conference, where I announced the publication of a new Equal Access to Housing Rules that says clearly and unequivocally that Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) individuals and couples have the right to live where they choose. The need [...]

January 26, 2012

Daily Housing News Round-up

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                        Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary Estelle Richman participates in the District of Columbia Homeless Point-in-Time Count. Secretary Donovan talks about the refinance proposal in Milwaukee and Las Vegas. While companies in Las Vegas are urged to offer housing assistance for workers. Affordable housing for [...]

December 12, 2011

Daily Housing News Round-Up

Home of the day: HUD home for sale in Silverdale, WA.   Group seeks to end LGBT housing discrimination in Anchorage, AK. New York City Housing Authority’s efforts to cut energy costs. Three affordable housing complexes to be built in Des Moines, IA. The United Way helps out on the fight against homelessness. And the [...]
