November 18, 2011

The Continued Strength of the FHA

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This week, HUD released its annual report to Congress on the financial status of the Federal Housing Administration (FHA) Mutual Mortgage Insurance (MMI) Fund.  The report demonstrates the long-term strength of the Fund while not shying away from the challenges it faces in the near-term due to ongoing stresses in the housing market.  While the [...]

November 15, 2011

Weathering the Storm

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Earlier today, we released the Federal Housing Administration’s (FHA) Fiscal Year 2011 Report to Congress.  This report gives the financial condition and fiscal outlook of FHA’s Mutual Mortgage Insurance (MMI) Fund.  I am happy to say that even though FHA has come through the most severe economic crisis since it was created in 1934, the [...]


Daily Housing News Round-up

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Greetings HUDdlers! Enjoy this unseasonably warm weather with today’s top housing headlines… Energy efficiency program gains steam in Milwaukee, WI. Affordable housing complex proposed in Boise, ID. Housing community set to be renovated in tornado-damaged Tuscaloosa, AL. Homeowners in New Jersey may be eligible for home rehabilitation grants. And Congress votes to increase FHA loan [...]
