Groups: Get Involved with ASME


Help bring solutions to communities across the world or in your own town

ASME sponsors and works with outreach and development groups to improve life in emerging and impoverished populations all over the world. Experienced engineers work along young engineers and local residents to develop workable solutions for tough conditions with a cross-disciplinary approach.

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Find your local ASME Section

Local Districts & Sections run regular meetings, dinners, lectures and courses.

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Learn more about Student Sections and related leadership opportunities.

Student Sections

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Local Districts & Sections run regular meetings, dinners, lectures and courses.

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Join or start an Online Engineering Group

Online Groups cover a wide range of topics, allowing engineers to network online.

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Institutes & Technical Divisions

ASME's Institutes & Technical Divisions organize and run technical conferences and journals in their respective technical areas. Institutes additionally provide a focused arena for business activities in their fields.

Featured Institutes & Divisions:

Help support effective public policy

ASME Federal Fellows program

Over 35 years in existence, this program offers members extensive personal development opportunities while providing technical expertise to the federal government.

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Public policy and advocacy opportunities

Multiple groups at ASME are involved in efforts related to or focused on public policy and engineering awareness, from elementary education to industrywide initiatives.

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Help Shape ASME

Engineers make up ASME, and it's that passion and knowledge that literally runs the world.

By volunteering you can learn new skills, help the world, and influence the ASME of tomorrow.

Read more about volunteering at ASME