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Continuous Process Improvement/Lean Six Sigma (CPI/LSS)


See DoD Directive 5010.42, 15 May 2008

  • Reduces waste
  • Eliminates “non-value added” activities
Six Sigma…
  • Eliminates variation
  • Strives to eliminate defects
  • Uses 5-Step Process*

Five-Step Process: Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control (DMAIC). Decide which opportunities require Lean Six Sigma and which require just Lean or Six Sigma


Slow, wasteful business processes are the problem and little or no historical process data;

Goal: Process speed

Focus: Lean

  • Elimination of “non-value added” activities
  • Workflow simplification

Streamlined, highly efficient business processes, but process variation identified a problem based on statistically-significant historical data;

Goal: Process consistency

Focus: Six Sigma

  • Elimination of variation factors and lack of control
  • Data-driven management

Slow, wasteful business processes combined with low performance or quality variation;

Goal: Speed and consistency

Focus: integrated Lean and Six Sigma

  • Methodology as a total performance solution
  • Total process view with embedded measurement and assessment capabilities leading to positive performance management

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Date CreatedTuesday, July 7, 2009 2:28 PM
Date ModifiedMonday, September 21, 2009 4:57 PM
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