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Program Management “Diamond Card”


This PM Diamond Card provides virtual PM Job AidS, coined P'JAS, in the areas of management, leadership, and technology — all key competencies for PMs.

Competencies: Management, Leadership, Technology. All three competencies impact strategy, process tools, people, teams, environment, structure, rewards and systems.

PM Community of Practice (PM CoP) Website:
PM Diamond Card POC:, 703-805-4639

  • Logistics
  • Reporting
  • Contracting
  • Requirements
  • Cost Estimating
  • Processes/Tools
  • Systems Engineering
  • Senior Steering Groups
  • Risk
  • Data
  • Funds
  • Software
  • Production
  • Acquisition
  • Configuration
  • Test & Evaluation
  • Vision
  • Leadership
  • Ethics/Values
  • Teambuilding
  • Communication
  • Leading Change
  • Strategic Thinking
  • Time Management
  • Interpersonal Skills
  • Organization Design
  • Conflict Management
  • Expectation Management
  • Goals
  • Leadership
  • Strategy
  • Rewards
  • Environment
  • Stakeholders
  • People/Teams
  • Political Savvy
  • Decision Making
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Customers/Partners
  • Relationship Building
  • Baseline
  • Complexity
  • Integration
  • Interoperability
  • Maturity
    • Prototyping
    • Technology Readiness Levels (TRL)
    • Manufacturing Readiness Levels (MRL)
  • Performance
    • Objective/Threshold Parameters
    • Key Performance Parameters
    • Technical Performance Measures (TPM)
  • Transition
    • Funding
    • Sponsorship
    • DoD/Industry Sources
    • Transition Mechanisms
Strategy — Where are we going & how do we get there?
Formulation, Implementation, Goals, and Metrics in corners of image. Four vertical linds of strategy. Vision overarches these rows: Customer, Internal, Learning & Growth, and Balanced Score Card.
Processes/Tools —How do we measure success?
Key Processes: Key Assessment Tools:
  • Critical Path
  • Risk Handling
  • Earned Value Mgt
  • Request For Proposal
  • Technical Performance Measures
Red toolbox with "PM Tool Kit" written on front
  • Leadership (360)
  • Personality (MBTI)
  • Team (STRAT)
  • Organization (OCAI)
  • Program (PoPS)
  • Manpower (TBD)
People/Teams — How do we work together?
Interlocking puzzle pieces for People and Teams. People includes Norms, Ethics, Values, and Culture. Teams includes Working Groups, Pseudo Teams, Real Teams, and High Performance Teams.
Organizational Structure — What resources do we need?
List elements are Communicating, Coordinating, Negotiating, Reporting, Decision Making, Empowering, Resourcing, and Delegating. Org-chart graphic shows MDA, PEO, and PM in a stack, with product N and Product A branching off of PM, and two IPT boxes for each product. A dotted line connects PM and the IPTs to Functional Contracting, Engineering, Finance, and Logistics. Environment consists of Customers, Stakeholders, and Partners.
Rewards — How do we reward success?
Internal rewards include Recognition, Responsibility, Promotion, and Development. External rewards include DD-250/New Work, Incentives, CPAR, and Contract Type.

Nine levels of Technology Readiness 9- Actual system “flight proven” through successful mission operations 8- Actual system completed and “flight qualified” through test and demonstration 7- System prototype demonstration in an operational environment 6- System/subsystem model or prototype demonstration in a relevant environment 5- Component and/or breadboard validation in relevant environment 4- Component and/or breadboard validation in laboratory environment 3- Analytical and experimental critical function and/or characteristic proof-of-concept 2- Technology concept and/or application formulated 1- Basic principles observed and reported Basic Technology Research- levels 1 and 2 Research to Prove Feasibility- levels 2 and 3 Technology Development- levels 3, 4, and 5 Technology Demonstration- levels 5 and 6 System/Subsystem Development- levels 6, 7, and 8 System Test, Flight and Operations- levels 8 and 9

Note: Technology Readiness Levels (TRL) enable consistent, uniform, discussions of technical maturity across different types of technologies. Decision authorities will consider the recommended TRLs when assessing program risk. TRLs are a measure of technical maturity. They do not discuss the probability of occurrence (i.e., the likelihood of attaining required maturity) or the impact of not achieving technology maturity. Defense Acquisition Guidebook, Chapter 10

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Date CreatedTuesday, July 7, 2009 2:28 PM
Date ModifiedWednesday, May 11, 2011 2:35 PM
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