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Establishing Indicators to Determine Whether State Plan Operations are At Least as Effective as Federal OSHA

June 25, 2012
10 am - 1 pm est
U.S. Department of Labor, Francis Perkins Building
200 Constitution Ave., NW, Room N3437
Washington, DC 20210


10:00 am Opening and Introductions
Barbara Upston, Facilitator
10:10 am Background
Jordan Barab, Deputy Assistant Secretary, OSHA
10:25 am Draft Measures
Doug Kalinowski, Director, Directorate of Cooperative and State Programs
Jay Withrow, Director, Office of Legal Support, Virginia Department of Labor and Industry
10:40 am Question 1
How would you define or describe the components that constitute an OSHA-approved State Plan that was “effective” in achieving this mission (e.g., funding, staffing, standards setting, strong enforcement program, strong consultation program, frequency of inspection, strong training and outreach programs, level of penalties etc.)?  
11:10 am Question 2
What indicators would you use to determine and monitor whether OSHA-approved State Plans are “at least as effective” as federal OSHA as outlined in Section 18(b) of the Act?
  • Outcome based measures (e.g., reductions in injury and illness rates, reductions in fatality rates, etc.)

  • Activity based measures (e.g., number of inspections conducted, number of violations issued, etc.)
11:40 am Break
11:50 am  Question 3
What activity and outcome based measures would you use to assess effectiveness as it relates to:
  • the reduction of health hazards?
  • the effectiveness of the whistleblower program under Section 11(c) of the Act?
12:20 pm  Question 4
If OSHA and the state plans develop a core set of effectiveness measures that both OSHA and State Plan programs must meet
  • How should OSHA determine the range that state plans must meet for individual measures?
  • How should OSHA work with the states to address measures that fall outside of these ranges?
12:50 pm Next Steps
Doug Kalinowski, Director, Directorate of Cooperative and State Programs
1:00 pm Wrap Up and Adjourn
Barbara Upston, Facilitator