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MIDAS End User Training

MIDAS is the Farm Service Agency’s initiative to Modernize and Innovate the Delivery of Agricultural Systems. MIDAS will provide comprehensive and robust processes and tools to improve the delivery of farm programs benefits and services to producers, farmers and ranchers.

The end user training program will support the MIDAS project by preparing the FSA users to perform their job tasks effectively within the new SAP platform and broaden comprehension of the end-to-end policy to payments process.

The MIDAS training program will employ a variety of media to conduct training to improve the end users’ experience and use materials in the most efficient manner. The program will also make appropriate use of technology to ensure training can be easily accessed and re-used, delivering computer-based training where appropriate.



The MIDAS training team has been preparing foundational learning sessions to provide employees with an overview of the MIDAS project, focusing on key areas such as integration, GIS, and common processes that will be included in the future SAP system. The goal of these sessions is to increase the foundational MIDAS knowledge of all FSA County Office and State Office employees.

The MIDAS 101 Foundational Learning Session is not intended for training. Consisting of five- to ten-minute virtual sessions on essential MIDAS concepts, Foundation Education will prepare end users for future web-based and instructor-led training. Below is the link to access the first foundational learning session:










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Last Modified: 08/30/12 9:21:43 AM

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