National Estuarine Research Reserve System
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What is the Coastal Training Program?

Great Bay - Wells CTP
Coastal Training Program Presentation, courtesy of Great Bay NERR
The Coastal Training Program provides up-to-date scientific information and skill-building opportunities to individuals who are responsible for making decisions that affect coastal resources. Through this program, the Reserve System can ensure that coastal decision-makers have the knowledge and tools they need to address critical resource management issues of concern to local communities. 

Coastal decision makers are defined as individuals whose duties include making decisions that affect the coast and its resources.  The target decision maker groups vary according to reserve priorities, but generally include groups such as local elected or appointed officials, managers of both public and private lands, natural resource managers, coastal and community planners, and coastal business owners and operators. They may also include farmers or ranchers; soil and water conservation districts, watershed councils and professional associations; recreation enthusiasts, researchers and technicians, and even private citizens.  

Acting as a bridge between the science, policy and management communities, CTP uses an integrated approach to connect decision makers with the information they need. CTP works to provide the best available science, tools, and techniques to those individuals and groups whose actions impact coastal watersheds, estuaries and near shore waters.  In addition, CTP strives to increase information exchange and collaboration amongst the many individuals, fields/disciplines, and institutions who affect coastal ecosystems. 

Last Updated on: Thursday, September 24, 2009
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