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Coastal Training at Jobos Bay Reserve
Wells Reserves
Jobos Bay CTP Established: 2003
Select CTP Partners
Dept. of Natural and
   Environmental Resources
UPR Sea Grant
EPA - Puerto Rico
NRCS - Caribbean Region
Interdisciplinary Center for
   Littoral Studies at UPR
Jobos Bay Web Link
"This has been something wonderful.  It has given me new knowledge, educational materials, and an interest that I didn't have before to take that knowledge to communities in my municipality.  Thanks for an excellent collaboration and information transfer."

-Workshop Participant
Jobos Bay CTP is the only one providing formal capacity building services in estuarine and coastal issues outside the continental U.S. CTP features a partnership with the University of Puerto Rico Sea Grant Program, allowing for the sharing of expertise and capabilities in training.  The program provides a portfolio of activities with innovative approaches such as the use of new technologies, project design and socioeconomic development within the watershed.
Training Events & Audiences

Permit Process for Stormwater Management Plans for Local Municipalities
   Municipal officals, engineers, developers and planners 
Coastal Community Planning & Development   
   Natural resource managers, planners, municipal officials
Economic Valuation of Natural & Environmental Resources
   Municipal officials, planners, natural resource managers  

Last Updated on: Monday, August 31, 2009
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