National Estuarine Research Reserve System
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Priority Natural Resource Issues

Following are the priority natural resources issues of concern by the Research Reserves and the top behavioral changes suggested to address these issues:

Water Quality
  1. Improve sewage and wastewater treatment (local and regional)
  2. Reduce commercial and residential fertilizer use
  3. Improve stormwater management
  4. Reduce runoff: urban / impervious surface
Land Use Change
  1. Improve landuse regulations, regional plans, master plans, or ordinances
  2. Promote smart growth / low impact development
  3. Reduce freshwater extraction / promote water conservation
  4. Increase enforcement of current regulations
Invasive Species
  1. Increase public awareness of invasives and support for eradication programs
  2. Reduce introduction of invasive species to new sites (clean fishing gear, stop dumping of water, limit transportation, among others)
  3. Attempt direct control of invasive species
  4. Increase native species planting (residential and commercial)
Climate/Sea Level Change
  1. Address transportation / vehicle fuel issues
  2. Increase / enforce regulations: power production
  3. Increase public awareness
  4. Increase advocacy: lobby public officials
  5. Increase advocacy: engage citizens in local and regional planning

Last Updated on: Friday, October 16, 2009
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