National Estuarine Research Reserve System
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Education at ACE Basin Reserve
  Teacher and Student Education: In 2009, over 6,000 students and adult groups were reached via ACE Basin Reserve education programs including classroom visitations, field trips, educational cruises, and on-site activities.
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Education, training, and outreach activities at the ACE Basin Reserve include a broad spectrum of activities designed to enhance public awareness of the importance of estuarine systems and provide opportunities for public education and interpretation. Education programs at ACE Basin Reserve include K-12 programs, hands on experiences on the water, children's programs, teacher programs, internships, workshops, and continuing education.

A critical aspect of these efforts is the linkage of education to science and stewardship. The overall goal is to translate scientific information into language that can be understood and applied by the public. The ACE Basin Reserve coordinates with federal and state agencies, national education, scientific and environmental organizations, and also is an active member of the local and regional education community.

ACE Basin Reserve Education Objectives

  • Develop education programs that increase public understanding of estuaries and the ACE Basin watershed.
  • Educate the public about estuaries holistically to include ecological, cultural, historical, sociological, aesthetic, and economic perspectives.
  • Facilitate an understanding of the scientific process and ACE Basin research results.
  • Promote a sense of resource stewardship and individual responsibility toward the ACE Basin through proactive education.
  • Develop the ACE Basin as a resource center specializing in estuarine and watershed education.
  • Provide information and expertise to decision-makers for wise use of coastal resources by addressing local, regional, state, and national coastal issues.

Last Updated on: Wednesday, October 21, 2009
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