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NPR 3792.1B
Effective Date: July 29, 2006
Expiration Date: July 29, 2014
Printable Format (PDF)

(NASA Only)

Subject: Plan for a Drug-Free Workplace (REVALIDATED w/Change 1 12/06/06)

Responsible Office: Office of Human Capital Management

| TOC | ChangeHistory | Preface | Chapter1 | Chapter2 | Chapter3 | Chapter4 | Chapter5 | Chapter6 | Chapter7 | AppendixA | AppendixB | AppendixC | ALL |

Chapter 2. Program Management Responsibilities

2.1 Assistant Administrator for Human Capital Management (HCM)

2.1.1 The Assistant Administrator for HCM is responsible for the following:

a. Ensuring the implementation of this Plan.

b. Establishing the processes and procedures necessary to carry out this Plan.

c. Designating the Agency's Drug Program Manager (DPM).

2.2 Drug Program Manager (DPM)

2.2.1 The Assistant Administrator for HCM will designate an official to serve as DPM with responsibility for the NASA Drug-Free Workplace Program on an Agency-wide basis. Duties include, but are not limited to, the following:

a. Reporting to the Assistant Administrator for HCM on the status of the Drug-Free Workplace Program.

b. Overseeing implementation of this Plan on an Agency-wide basis.

c. Coordinating all Drug-Free Workplace Program activities wherever possible to conserve resources and to accomplish reliable and accurate testing efficiently.

2.3 Employee Assistance Program (EAP) Administrator

2.3.1 The Director, Occupational Health, serves as the Agency's EAP Administrator and is responsible for the following:

a. Assuming the lead role in the development, implementation, and evaluation of the EAP.

b. Assisting the EAP Coordinator and counselors in establishing their local EAPs.

c. Advising on and preparing statistical reports.

2.4 MRO

2.4.1 The Special Assistant on Quality Assurance and Aerospace Medicine serves as the Agency MRO and is responsible for developing and evaluating the Agency-wide medical review function as it relates to drug testing, including advising on and preparing statistical reports. Each Center's MRO is responsible for the following:

a. Reviewing laboratory test results of the Center's employees and tentatively selected applicants to TDPs.

b. Ensuring that an individual who has tested positive has been afforded an opportunity to justify the test result in accordance with Chapter 4, paragraph 4.1.

c. Evaluating and determining if the positive test result is justified or unjustified, based on an assessment pursuant to Chapter 4, paragraph 4.1.

d. Consistent with confidentiality requirements, referring written determinations regarding all verified positive test results to the DPC (paragraph 2.5).

e. Consulting with the Agency MRO, as needed.

2.5 DPC

2.5.1 NASA will designate a DPC to implement, direct, administer, and manage the Drug-Free Workplace Program for the Agency in accordance with this Plan. This includes coordinating with the MRO (paragraph 2.4).

2.5.2 In coordination with Center officials and the EAP Coordinator, the DPC will publicize and disseminate Drug-Free Workplace Program educational materials and oversee training and education sessions regarding drug use and rehabilitation.

2.5.3 The DPC will serve as the principal contact with the laboratory in ensuring the effective operation of the testing portion of the program. The DPC will, in conjunction with the DPM, accomplish the following:

a. Arrange for all testing authorized under this Plan.

b. Coordinate with and report to the DPM on DPC activities and findings that may affect the reliability or accuracy of laboratory results.

c. Coordinate administrative actions with management when a finding of illegal drug use occurs under this Plan.

2.6 EAP Coordinator

2.6.1 The EAP Coordinator at each Center shall, in conjunction with the EAP Administrator, perform the following:

a. Implement the local EAP.

b. Provide counseling and treatment referral services to any employee that is referred to the EAP by his/her supervisor or on self-referral and, otherwise, offer an employee the opportunity for counseling and rehabilitation.

c. Coordinate with the DPC, MRO, and supervisors, as appropriate.

d. Work with the DPC to provide educational materials and training to managers, supervisors, and employees about illegal drugs in the workplace to include the recognition and documentation of facts and circumstances that support a reasonable suspicion that an employee may be using illegal drugs.

e. Assist supervisors with any employee who is having performance and/or personal problems that may be related to illegal drug use.

f. Monitor the progress of any referred employee during and after the rehabilitation period and provide feedback to his/her supervisor in accordance with 42 CFR Part 2, Confidentiality of Alcohol and Drug Abuse Patient Records.

g. Maintain a list of rehabilitative and treatment organizations that provide counseling and rehabilitative programs.

2.7 EAP Counselors

2.7.1 EAP Counselors at each Center shall perform the following:

a. Serve as the initial point of contact for employees who ask for or are referred to counseling.

b. Be familiar with all applicable laws and regulations, including drug treatment/rehabilitative insurance coverage that is available to employees through the Federal Employee Health Benefits Program.

c. Be qualified and trained in counseling employees in the occupational setting and be familiar with identifying evidence of illegal drug use.

d. Ensure the privacy of an employee's record and treatment in accordance with this Plan.

e. Document and sign the treatment plan prescribed for an employee referred for counseling or rehabilitation, after obtaining the employee's signature on the treatment plan.

f. In making referrals, consider the following:

(1) Nature and severity of the problem.

(2) Location of the treatment.

(3) Cost of the treatment.

(4) Intensity of the treatment environment.

(5) Availability of inpatient/outpatient care.

(6) Other special needs (e.g., transportation).

(7) The preferences of the employee.

2.8 Supervisors

2.8.1 Supervisors, with the assistance of the Center's Human Resources Office, shall identify positions within their organization that shall be subject to random testing in accordance with Appendix A, NASA Guidelines for Determining Testing Designated Positions (TDPs) Subject to Random Drug Testing.

2.8.2 Supervisors shall be familiar with the requirements of this Plan, especially the provisions that ensure employees that their personal dignity and privacy shall be respected in accordance with Chapter 4, paragraph 4.2.

2.8.3 Except as modified by NASA management to suit specific program responsibilities, all supervisors must participate in training on recognizing and addressing illegal drug use in the workplace.

2.8.4 A supervisor may request a reasonable-suspicion test, after first making appropriate factual observations, documenting those observations, and obtaining approval from the appropriate management officials, specifically the Office of General Counsel.

2.8.5 Upon a finding of illegal drug use, the supervisor must refer the employee to an EAP Counselor for assistance in obtaining counseling and rehabilitation.

2.8.6 Upon a finding of illegal drug use, the supervisor must initiate appropriate disciplinary action in accordance with Chapter 5.

2.8.7 The supervisor shall assist a higher-level supervisor and the EAP Coordinator in evaluating an employee's performance and/or personnel problems that may be related to the use of illegal drugs.

2.9 Centers' Human Resources Offices

2.9.1 Centers' Human Resources Offices shall:

a. Assist supervisors with the identification of positions within their organizations that shall be subject to random testing in accordance with Appendix A of this NPR.

b. Ensure that all employees, subject to random testing, receive individual notice as described in Chapter 4, paragraph

c. Ensure that vacancy announcements for TDPs include the appropriate statement regarding pre-employment testing.

d. Notify any NASA applicant not previously subject to random drug testing or an outside applicant tentatively selected for a TDP that appointment to the position is contingent upon a negative drug test result.

| TOC | ChangeHistory | Preface | Chapter1 | Chapter2 | Chapter3 | Chapter4 | Chapter5 | Chapter6 | Chapter7 | AppendixA | AppendixB | AppendixC | ALL |
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