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Interpretation for 391.51:

Regulations current to Aug 30, 2012
Examples: Medical Form, 391.53, 391
Up All Regulations
Up Part 391
< 391.49 391.53 >
Subpart F - Files and records

§391.51 General requirements for driver qualification files.

Question 1: When a motor carrier purchases another motor carrier, must the drivers of the acquired motor carrier be requalified by the purchasing motor carrier?

Guidance: No.

Question 2: Is a driver training school required to keep a driver qualification file on each student?

Guidance: Yes, if operating in interstate commerce.

Question 3: Before December 23, 1994, motor carriers were required to maintain documentary evidence that their drivers had completed the written examination specified by 49 CFR 391.35 (Reserved) (1994). The rule removing §391.35 (Reserved) became effective on that date (59 FR 60319, November 23, 1994). Are motor carriers required to maintain such documentary evidence for drivers employed prior to December 23, 1994?

Guidance: No.

Question 4: If a motor carrier maintains complete driver qualification files but cannot produce them at the time of the review or within two business days, is it in violation of §391.51?

Guidance: Yes. Driver qualification files must be produced on demand. Producing driver qualification files after the completion of the review does not cure a record-keeping violation of §391.51.

Question 5: Must a driver/employee who was employed prior to the deletion of the section of the FMCSRs requiring certain documentary proof of written examination, and who does not have such proof in his driver qualification file, complete the exam?

Guidance: No. The requirement of former 49 CFR 391.35(h) that a driver qualification file contains certain documents substantiating the driver examination may not be the basis of a citation after November 23, 1994, the date on which all requirements pertinent to a driver’s written test were rescinded (59 FR 60319).

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