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Human Resources and Organizational Management

Headquarters Marine Corps

Strategic Workforce Planning

The management analysts in ARHM utilize Strategic Workforce Planning (SWP) tools and techniques to support Marine Corps staff agencies and commands in aligning their workforce with their mission, strategic priorities, and resources. SWP analysts help to examine current and future workforce needs and advise organizations in developing action plans to address those needs.

Project Management & Support

SWP analysts provide advice, guidance, and project management support to staff agencies and commands in implementing SWP. They provide training and education to each organization, assist in developing communication plans, and assist in collecting and evaluating workforce data.

Strategic Direction-Setting

SWP analysts provide support in the identification and analysis of mission statements, vision statements, strategic priorities, functions, criticality of positions, future planning factors, risks, and workforce implications.

Workforce Analyses

SWP Analysts coordinate with appropriate Human Resources Specialists and Equal Employment Opportunity Specialists to analyze Marine Corps organizations' workforce needs based on mission requirements and strategic priorities. Analysts provide support in the identification, analysis, and prioritization of significant workforce gaps with regard to demographics, employment trends, and other organizational conditions affecting the workforce.


SWP analysts can assist organizations in developing and coordinating action plans and reports. Plans can include strategies that will help an organization to meet its workforce needs.

Total Workforce Management / Strategic Workforce Planning

Our Contact Information


Organizational and Workforce Management Section
Headquarters, US Marine Corps
Naval Support Facility (NSF) Arlington
Suite 2300
701 South Courthouse Road
Arlington, VA 22204-2164

Telephone: (703) 604-2755
DSN: 664-2755
Fax: (703) 604-6662




Human Resources and Organizational Management Branch
Pentagon, Room 2C253
Washington, DC 20350

Telephone: (571) 256-9539
