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Model Analysis and Guidance

On December 26, 2012, the Model Analysis and Guidance (MAG) website
experienced a major hardware failure. For updated information, click here.

Global Forecast System (GFS)

North America Mesoscale Model (NAM)

United States Mesoscale Model 4km (NAM-HIRES)

Global Ensemble Forecast System - (GEFS-SPAG)

Global Ensemble Forecast System - (GEFS-MNSPRD)

North American Ensemble Forecast System (NAEFS)

Short Range Ensemble Forecast Model (SREF)

Rapid Refresh Model (RAP)

High Resolution Window - Alaska (HRW-ARW-AK)

High Resolution Window - Eastern United States (HRW-ARW-EUS)

High Resolution Window - Western United States (HRW-ARW-WUS)

High Resolution Window - Alaska (HRW-NMM-AK)

High Resolution Window - Eastern United States (HRW-NMM-EUS)

High Resolution Window - Western United States (HRW-NMM-WUS)

Wave Watch III Model (WW3)

Wave Watch III Regional Eastern North Pacific Model (WW3-ENP)

Wave Watch III Regional Western North Atlantic Model (WW3-WNA)

Polar Ice Drift Forecast Model

Real-Time Mesoscale Analysis (RTMA)

Real-Time Mesoscale Analysis - Guam (RTMA-GUAM)

Upper Air Plots (UAIR)

Skew-T Plots (SKEWT)

Image of North America.

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College Park, MD 20740
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Page last modified: Thursday, 24-Jan-2013 12:27:57 UTC