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Education at South Slough Reserve
  Programs and Partnerships: At the South Slough Reserve, a total of 216 education activities were delivered to 5,783 participants. Contact times varied from 20 minute informal interactions to 8 hour long classes with a total of 621 contact hours recorded.  New and continuing partnerships are strengthening the Reserves capacity to access new audiences of teachers and students with programs, curriculum, and science-based content.
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The education program at South Slough Reserve is built on the belief that healthy estuarine ecosystems are intrinsically and economically valuable to society, and when people are aware of the functions and values of estuaries they are motivated to manage and protect these habitats.  The education program offers diverse audiences a variety of educational and interpretive activities, exhibits, and information, providing opportunities to experience and learn about estuaries and the reserve. 

The goals for the South Slough Reserve Education Program are to:
  • Expand awareness about coastal environments and the South Slough Reserve to enhance interest in the educational programs and resources offered by the Reserve.
  • Provide a variety of high quality educational experiences to facilitate improved understanding of key themes within Pacific Northwest estuaries and coastal watersheds.
  • Develop a broader understanding about the purpose of South Slough Reserve and the importance of using scientific results to inform coastal decision making and take responsible actions.
South Slough Reserve works with a variety of partners to offer on-site, field-based education and interpretive programs using a variety of curricula and techniques for students of all ages. Additionally, training opportunities for teachers, adult volunteers and the coastal management community provide access to educational workshops, resources, and information to support improved decision-making.

Outreach activities in the community include participation in festivals, events, and workshops.  South Slough has also hosted several EstuaryLive broadcasts with the support of numerous community partners.

Last Updated on: Wednesday, October 21, 2009
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