National Estuarine Research Reserve System
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Research at Apalachicola, FL
Research and monitoring projects at the Apalachicola Reserve address priority issues that may impact the productivity and biodiversity of the bay. These include: 1) the diversion of upstream water from the Apalachicola-Chattahoochee-Flint watershed, 2) increasing local coastal development and land use changes adjacent to Apalachicola Bay and 3) potential consequences of climate change on the estuarine system.

The primary objective of the Research section is to provide information on the abundance and distribution of ecologically, recreationally and commercially important species within the Apalachicola System and to identify, monitor and protect important habitats that these species utilize. Our secondary objective is to identify the potential impacts of environmental changes and management practices on these species and their habitats.

Research and monitoring efforts at the Reserve include the collection of continuous water quality, nutrient and meteorological data as part of the System-Wide Monitoring Program (SWMP). Other projects include the identification and quantification of juvenile fish and benthic macroinvertebrates by monthly trawling, measurement of oyster growth at two of the commercially-fished oyster reefs and the protection of listed species, including nesting sea turtles and migratory shorebirds. Habitat delineation is an important tool in assessing long term changes in the system’s resources. Important habitats that are monitored regularly include the barrier island beaches of Little St. George Island, freshwater marsh and floodplain areas, submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) beds and oyster reefs. These areas are particularly susceptible to human impacts associated with coastal development and natural events such as storms and sea level rise.

The Reserve serves as a clearinghouse for data and information pertaining to the natural resources of the area. The Research section maintains 1) a directory of data collected within the Reserve that is available to the public, 2) an on-site library of scientific materials relevant to the Apalachicola system as well as natural resource management issues and 3) a Geographic Information System (GIS), providing more than 1,500 datalayers delineating resources within the Reserve. Species lists, habitat information and maps are also provided in the Reserve’s site profile document: A River Meets the Bay: A Characterization of the Apalachicola River and Bay System.

The Reserve works with several academic institutions such as Florida State University, University of Florida, University of South Florida, Florida A&M University and Auburn University. Through the Reserve System's Graduate Research Fellowship program, two graduate students are funded to conduct priority research in Apalachicola Bay. The research program provides the setting and basic equipment to attract and assist researchers. Sampling equipment, boats, laboratory space and a dormitory are available to researchers and graduate students to help in their scientific efforts. Technical and logistical support is also provided by the Reserve staff.

The research and monitoring program coordinates with local, state, regional and federal agencies on local land development regulations and ordinances, dredge and fill projects, large scale development reviews, interstate water issues, coastal zone planning, threatened and endangered species protection and monitoring, and any other issues that may impact the resources within and adjacent to the Reserve. Research is translated for federal, state, and local decision-makers via the Reserve’s Coastal Training Program, enabling stakeholders to make informed decisions based on current scientific information.

Last Updated on: Wednesday, October 28, 2009
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