National Estuarine Research Reserve System
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 NERRS Science Collaborative
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Funding Opportunity
Resources for Applicants

Am I eligible to apply?
Our funding opportunities are open to NERRS staff working in partnership (as appropriate) with applicants from United States (U.S.) academic, private, or public sectors. Proposals must designate a fiscal agent. The person in this role must be a project team member from the agency, institution, or friends group that will receive the grant, if awarded. A NERRS staff member may be (but does not have to be) the fiscal agent on the project.

Researchers from institutions outside the U.S. may be included on a project but cannot serve as the fiscal agent. Researchers from institutions outside the U.S. only may be included in the budget if they meet certain requirements for receiving federal funds. Federal employees and institutions are not eligible to receive funding from a grant awarded through our RFPs.

What is the NERRS connection?
All projects funded by the Science Collaborative focus on a priority issue identified by a NERRS site and a community that it serves. As place-based programs, Reserves have strong relationships with local communities. At the same time, they are part of a national network through which scientists, educators, and managers in different locations can collaborate strategically to advance common goals. 

This combination makes Reserves ideal places to develop, refine, test, demonstrate, and disseminate technology that can be applied to improve resource management within the NERRS and the broader coastal management community. 

If you are interested in applying to one of our funding opportunities, we encourage you to contact your local Reserve first.

How will projects be funded?
Funds will be awarded by the University of New Hampshire (UNH) to the institute, agency, or friends group represented by the fiscal agent. UNH prefers to issue one contract and have the fiscal agent's organization subcontract if necessary. Proposed budgets must use the federally negotiated indirect cost rate of the fiscal agent’s institution. No matching funds are required.

What do you mean by collaboration?
By "collaboration," we mean an explicit and justified plan for the interaction of applied scientists and the intended users of science throughout a research project. This interpretation of collaboration informs our RFPs and our approach to creating access to the science we fund. Learn more.

Last Updated on: Tuesday, November 13, 2012
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