National Estuarine Research Reserve System
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Program Results
   EstuaryLive: Students participating in the EstuaryLive broadcast, May 1st 2009 showed an increase in their ability to describe functions of estuaries (pre=10%, post=55% test).  
Program Results
   EstuaryLive: Students participating in the EstuaryLive broadcast, May 1st 2009 showed an increase in their ability to describe how a plant or animal has adapted to the estuary (pre=6%, post=56% test).  
Program Results
   EstuaryLive: Students participating in the EstuaryLive broadcast, May 1st 2009 showed an increase in their ability to state how human activities might cause an estuary to become unhealthy (pre=40%, post= 77% test ).  
Program Results
   Teacher Training: 30 teachers increased their abilities to teach about estuaries and use Google Earth after participating in a Teachers on the Estuary training offered, in MA and RI, this past July 2009.  
Program Results
   Climate Education: Citizens participating in a climate stewards program, led by the Padilla Bay NERR, WA, logged about 670 hours educating their community about climate change and how to reduce their carbon footprint.  
Program Results
   Citizens-science: High-school students contribute important data while monitoring juvenile American eels in several Hudson Valley tributaries, a project from the Hudson River NERR, NY. Learn more

     National Estuarine Research Reserves serve as "living classrooms" for educators, students and the public in general. Research Reserves take a local approach in advancing estuary literacy and generating meaningful experiences for all kinds of people interested in learning about, protecting and restoring estuaries. Reserves provide adult audiences with training on estuarine issues of concern in their local communities; offer classes for K-12 students; support teachers through professional development programs in coastal and estuary education; and provide public education events.     
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