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Corridor Preservation Case Studies

An ongoing challenge faced by state and local transportation agencies is keeping up with population shifts and the resulting shifts in demand for different transportation routes. Given the extensive lead time involved in transportation projects, these agencies have a special mandate to anticipate future demand and plan proactively. An increasingly valuable tool for dealing with this challenge is corridor preservation-an environmentally sound and cost-effective approach for avoiding and minimizing impacts associated with transportation projects.

Staying ahead of demand changes means grappling with difficult policy issues, including land acquisition, landowner agreements, land-use regulations, and access management. As government agencies seek ways of resolving these issues, some of the most interesting and challenging policy initiatives are taking place in the corridor preservation arena.

In an effort to better understand some of these transportation issues and the different response strategies state and local governments have pursued, as well as the various legal ramifications of these efforts, the Federal Highway Administration commissioned a comprehensive research effort to examine present-day corridor preservation practices. The resulting report includes the following components:

Research Program: Kathleen Facer (kathleen.facer@fhwa.dot.gov)
Publications: Linda Burris (linda.burris@fhwa.dot.gov)

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