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U.S. Net Textile and Apparel Imports Decline in 2011

by Leslie Meyer, Stephen MacDonald, and James Kiawu

Outlook No. (CWS-12a) 19 pp, March 2012

U.S. net textile and apparel fiber imports decreased in calendar year 2011 as a result of the sluggish U.S. economy. Total fiber product imports reached 17.2 billion raw-fiber-equivalent pounds in 2011, 7 percent below 2010 and the second lowest since 2004. Meanwhile, fiber product exports rose for the second consecutive year to 3.7 billion pounds after a recent low of 3.1 billion in 2009. As a result, 2011 net fiber product imports only reached 13.5 billion pounds, 9 percent below 2010 and one of the lowest since the mid-2000s (fig. 1).

Keywords: forecast, imports, exports, textile, fiber, supply & use, bales, cotton, trade deficit,

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Last updated: Saturday, May 26, 2012

For more information contact: Leslie Meyer, Stephen MacDonald, and James Kiawu