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The following represents the content we have available in this category:
External link CDC Survey Finds Too Much Sodium in Diets
About nine of every 10 adults in the United States get too much sodium in their diet due to foods that may not even taste salty. Those nine people are receiving twice their recommended daily intake due to processed foods and eating out at restaurants.
External link Genetic Clues May Reveal Hypertension Causes
NIH researchers believe they may have found genetic markers in African Americans that are leading to higher rates of hypertension.
External link Heart Cells exposed to BPA Caused Irregularities Exit Disclaimer
Findings from a study presented at the Endocrine Society’s annual meeting showed a relationship between heart disease in women and bisphenol A (BPA), a component used in clear plastic containers.
External link Heart Struggles to be Effective during Heart Failure Exit Disclaimer
Researchers at the Medical College of Georgia have found that during heart failure, the heart produces lower levels of a hormone needed to eliminate excess salt and fluid that hinder the cardiovascular system.
External link Weight Loss Obtainable for Obese Adults
A study in the Feb. 26 issue of the New England Journal of Medicine and funded by NIH, shows that diets low in calories with heart-friendly foods lead to sustained weight loss in overweight and obese adults.
External link Staying Alive Exit Disclaimer
About 95 percent of people taken to the hospital for cardiac arrest die before reaching the ER It is believed that either people are either not trained in CPR or deciding not to perform CPR.
External link Staying Alive Exit Disclaimer
External link Cholesterol Levels May be Misleading Indicators Exit Disclaimer
A study published in January issue of American Heart Journal has found that about 75 percent of individuals hospitalized due to a heart attack had cholesterol levels that would not categorize them as being at risk for cardiovascular issues.
External link Increasing Stem Cells for Repair Exit Disclaimer
Scientists have found a way to increase the number of stem cells that rush to damaged areas in the human body. They believe that these adult stem cells, which were tested in mice, could possibly be used to repair bones and create new blood vessels for the heart.
External link New Options in Heart Disease Solutions Exit Disclaimer
Cardiologists out of the University of Cincinnati are using a new device to help ease the work the heart does in people who have severe heart disease. The device, which uses a catheter to pump blood to the aorta, is meant to be used during cardiac interventions and is entering the clinical trial phase.
External link Holes in Heart Patched Up Exit Disclaimer
Researchers at Rush University Medical Center are conducting a study to see if they can use a device made from the same material found in durable outerwear to patch holes in patient’s hearts.
External link Good Genes Make a Difference Exit Disclaimer
A study appearing in the November issue of the Journal of American Geriatric Society found that people whose parents lived to be 97, had decreased chances of developing chronic diseases.
External link Potassium Linked to Blood Pressure Exit Disclaimer
Research presented at the American Society of Nephrology's 41st Annual Meeting and Scientific Exposition in Philadelphia found that low potassium levels may be equally responsible for high blood pressure as high levels of salt intake.
External link Proteins May Signal Impending Heart Problems Exit Disclaimer
Researchers at John Hopkins University have found five different proteins that could alert physicians to the possibility of an impending heart attack.
External link Sleep Apnea as Risk Factor for Cardiac Death Exit Disclaimer
Researchers from the Mayo Clinic found that obstructive sleep apnea contributes to increased risk of sudden cardiac death because of decreased oxygen saturation in the blood.
External link Retaining Health and Weight Exit Disclaimer
In the FASEB Journal, researchers are attempting to use a drug to keep obese people healthy by avoiding common obesity-related problems.
External link Hypertension Linked to Environment Exit Disclaimer
A study out of John Hopkins University and published in the November issue of Social Science and Medicine found that disparities in hypertension were decreased when the groups being compared to each other came from the same environments.
External link Heart Help Exit Disclaimer
The American Heart Association has launched their consumer-friendly, online heart wellness center that focuses on cardiovascular health. The resource allows users to monitor blood pressure, cholesterol and glucose levels and diet and activity.
External link Heart Failure Linked to Fractures Exit Disclaimer
In the American Heart Association’s Journal, Circulation, researchers found that patients who were seen for heart failure had a greater risk for fractures, leading them to suggest that patients should be screened for osteoporosis and treated.
External link Disparities in Cardiovascular Health Linked to Race Exit Disclaimer
An article published in the American Journal of Human Biology suggests that the likeliness of cardiovascular problems later in life may be linked to low birth weight and that a baby’s low birth weight may be attributed to social factors instead of genetics, making it possible for a great-grandmother’s health to affect her great-grandson.
External link Heart Repairs done before Birth Exit Disclaimer
Researchers found that even when mice embryos had defective heart cells, by the time they were born, they had developed fully-functioning healthy hearts, because the healthy heart cells continued to divide until they had repaired the heart. However, after one year about 13 percent of the mice died and 50 percent developed an arrhythmia.
External link Testing Drug-eluting Stents Exit Disclaimer
Results from a preliminary study put out by the Cardiovascular Research Foundation show that drug-eluting stents used in patients who experienced heart attacks, yielded better results than bare, metal stents.
External link Symptoms Related to Stress Exit Disclaimer
A study presented at the 20th annual Transcatheter Cardiovascular Therapeutics scientific symposium, sponsored by the Cardiovascular Research Foundation, found that symptoms related to heart disease were often attributed to women’s stress levels and men’s symptoms were perceived as originated from actual physical occurrences.
External link Social Smoking Affects Arteries Exit Disclaimer
In a study from the University of Georgia, researchers tested the arteries of young people who smoke occasionally, less than a pack per week and had not smoked two days prior to the study. Using an ultrasound, they found that occasional smokers’ arteries were 36 percent less responsive to changes in blood flow compared to the arteries of nonsmokers. After smoking two cigarettes, the occasional smokers’ arteries were 24 percent less responsive than before the cigarette, showing that even occasional smokers may have a higher risk for cardiovascular diseases than they believe.
External link Ultrasounds May Help Predict Heart Attacks Exit Disclaimer
In a study published in the September issue of Radiology, researchers used ultrasounds on 1,268 at-risk patients to inspect plaque buildup in main arteries and the likelihood of heart attack or stroke.
In 2007, I resolve…to resolve less and do more!
Remember us? Yeah, you do. We are those that were very resolved to do all kinds of things last year. Well, we didn't do that bad, actually.

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