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Clean Water Act Section 319

Background | Applying for & Administering Grants | Current Guidance | Past Guidance | Reports & Project Summaries | Contacts & Websites

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The Section 319 Nonpoint Source Management Program provides funding to states, territories and tribes to mitigate nonpoint source pollution. (Photo courtesy of NRCS)

EPA is issuing draft Nonpoint Source Program and Grants Guidelines for States and Territories (PDF) (59 pp, 1.4MB, About PDF). These guidelines are available for review and comment by states and territories, as well as other interested stakeholders. Please submit comments to EPA at 319grants@epa.gov by COB Dec. 21, 2012 (extended from Dec. 7).

The 1987 amendments to the Clean Water Act (CWA) established the Section 319 Nonpoint Source Management Program. Section 319 addresses the need for greater federal leadership to help focus state and local nonpoint source efforts. Under Section 319, states, territories and tribes receive grant money that supports a wide variety of activities including technical assistance, financial assistance, education, training, technology transfer, demonstration projects and monitoring to assess the success of specific nonpoint source implementation projects.

 EPA has released guidance on the key components of an effective state nonpoint source (NPS) management program (PDF) (7 pp, 73K, About PDF). This guidance is an update to guidance issued by EPA in 1997. EPA intends to publish this guidance as an appendix to the forthcoming Nonpoint Source Program and Grants Guidelines for States and Territories in early 2013. EPA has released this guidance in November 2012 to assist states and territories in their efforts to update their programs as expeditiously as possible. This guidance is a companion to, but distinct from, the forthcoming 319 grant guidelines. The state’s written NPS management program is the roadmap for all state NPS program activities, including activities supported by resources and programs other than CWA Section 319 funds. Updates to these state nonpoint source programs are vital for EPA and the states to ensure that section 319 funding, technical support and other resources are directed in an effective and efficient manner to support state efforts to address water quality issues.

Background Information

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Applying for and Administering 319 Grants

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Current Section 319 Grant Guidance

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Past Section 319 Grant Guidance

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Reports and Project Summaries

  • A National Evaluation of the Clean Water Act Section 319 Program (November 2011) (PDF) (194 pp, 2.5MB, About PDF)
    This national program evaluation was conducted by EPA to improve understanding of how states utilize and leverage their 319 funds to achieve nonpoint source management program goals and to identify opportunities for improvement of the 319 program.
  • Section 319 Nonpoint Source Success Stories
    This site demonstrates the successful implementation of the Section 319 Clean Water Act Nonpoint Source program. The site provides examples of successful solutions to a variety of water quality problems caused by nonpoint source pollution.
  • Section 319 Final Project Reports (PDF) (101 pp, 3.3MB, About PDF)
    This document describes the purpose of Section 319 final reports, the information that should be included in the report, examples of especially effective elements from 319 reports, and ways to expand the final report to be used for outreach and education, building partnerships, and many other uses.
  • Section 319 National Monitoring Program Exit EPA Disclaimer
    Projects that comprise a small subset of NPS pollution control projects funded under Section 319 of the Clean Water Act as amended in 1987. The goal of the program is to support 20–30 watershed projects nationwide that meet a minimum set of project planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation requirements designed to lead to successful documentation of project effectiveness with respect to water quality protection or improvement.
  • Section 319 Nonpoint Source National Monitoring Program Successes and Recommendations (November 2000, pre-print) (PDF) (36 pp, 2.2MB, About PDF) Exit EPA Disclaimer
    The Section 319 National Monitoring Program projects have quantified water quality improvements from nonpoint source controls and strengthened strategies for effective future watershed programs. Highlights are given from 23 Section 319 National Monitoring Program projects.
  • Nonpoint Sources: Picking Up the Pace - EPA's Draft Proposed National Strategy for Strengthening Nonpoint Source Management, prepared for Presentation by EPA at the Wye River Conference Center to a Meeting of Stakeholders in the National Nonpoint Source Program on October 14, 1997. (Archived.)

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Nonpoint Source Program Contacts and Websites for States, Territories, Tribes and EPA Regions

  • This page contains lists of nonpoint source program contacts for states, territories, EPA Regions, including EPA Regional tribal contacts, as well as links to state and EPA Regional websites.

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