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Skip Navigation LinksWIC Program
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Women, Infants and Children
(WIC) Program
Welcome to WIC! WIC is a supplemental food and nutrition program designed for low income women, infants and children.

What can WIC do for you? It can help stretch your family’s food dollars, give you and your family nutritious foods and most importantly it can give your children a head start on good health!

If this program interests you or you think you might qualify, please call the Ft Riley WIC office at 785-239-5730

Start Now to Give Your Child A Healthy Smile...
Did you know... (JAN 2013)
Help and Hinder Phrases
Learn phrases that will help your childe (DEC 2012)
Recipe: Spicy Mac and Cheese with Beans
Good food on a cold night!
Give Thanks for Good Health
Holiday Eating: Strategies to Enjoy and Stay Healthy.
Recipe: Avocao-Bean Wrap
This recipe is full of antioxidants to help your body fight off disease!
Breast Cancer Awareness Month
Learn helpful tips on how to decrease your risk. (OCT 2012)
Recipe: Quick and Easy Fruit Smoothie
Do you like fresh fruit? Then try out this drink! (AUG 2012)
World Breastfeeding Month
Help WIC Celebrate! (AUG 2012)
Notice To Transferring WIC Clients

Is your family planning to move from our area?

We want to make it easy for you to take your Women, Infants and Children (WIC) ...

Fact Sheet

Welcome to The Women, Infants and Children (WIC) Program!

The Women, Infants and Children Program is a ...

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