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Human Resources and Organizational Management

Headquarters Marine Corps

Standards and Ethics for HQMC Civilian Employees
The Marine Corps has dedicated itself for more than 200 years to the core values of Honor, Courage, and Commitment. Civilian Marines are held to the same high ethical standards of their uniformed counterparts.
Civilian personnel must serve the Marine Corps in a manner consistent with the Department of Defense’s General Principles of Public Service:

  • Place loyalty to the Constitution, the laws, and ethical principles above private gain
  • Act impartially to all groups, persons, and organizations
  • Give an honest effort in the performance of your duties
  • Protect and conserve Federal property
  • Disclose waste, fraud, abuse, and corruption to appropriate authorities
  • Fulfill in good faith your obligations as a citizen, and pay your Federal, State, and local taxes
Consult the DoD Employees’ Guide to Standards of Conduct by clicking on this link.

Violating ethics principles may result in disciplinary or corrective action, including criminal prosecution. However, no disciplinary action will be taken against you if you act in good faith reliant upon the advice of your ethics official, if you have made full disclosure of the relevant circumstances.

For more information about Ethics and Standards of Conduct, please refer to the Employee/Management Advisory Services (EMAS) web page at [Click here]

To learn about the Office of Counsel for the Commandant, which provides comprehensive legal advice for Marine Corps offices on a variety of issues, please visit: