Latest News Releases

  • 01/30/2010

    For the second straight year, Des Moines Central Academy emerged as the champion in the Ames Laboratory/Iowa State University Regional High School Science Bowl here on Saturday, Jan. 30. Central Academy didn’t lose a single match in the day-long quiz-bowl event, defeating Ames High School 68-34 in the final match. Dubuque Hempstead finished third and Home Schools of Eastern Iowa was fourth in the event that marked its 20th year.

  • 01/22/2010

    For the 20th consecutive year, the brightest high school students from across Iowa will travel to Ames on Jan. 30 to compete in the Ames Laboratory/Iowa State University Regional High School Science Bowl.

  • 01/20/2010

    A series of seminars entitled "Taking Technology to Market" is being offered through an Iowa State University 2009/2010 Women's Enrichment Grant. The series is aimed at giving students, young scientists and engineers, potential entrepreneurs and other interested parties insight into the process of taking innovation to market and encouraging students and staff to participate in this process.

  • 12/16/2009

    Ames Laboratory physicts Rana Biswas and Sergei Bud'ko have been named Fellow of the American Physical Society.

  • 12/15/2009

    Ames Laboratory employees raised more than $3,700 for two local charities at Ames Laboratory’s annual benefit auction on Dec. 4. Story County Winter Weatherization Challenge and Bethesda Community Food Pantry will share the auction proceeds.

  • 12/07/2009

    Ames Lab research team discovers a new use for metamaterials that promises to eliminate mechanical friction in nanotechnology.

  • 11/25/2009

    Jerel Zerestky and Philip Ryan were part of a team, led by Argonne National Laboratory, that published an article in Nature Materials.  The article is titled “Enhanced Ordering Temperatures in Antiferromagnetic Maganite Superlattices.”  Zereskty performed neutron scattering measurements at the High Flux Isotope Reactor at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, and Ryan performed X-ray diffraction at the Advanced Photon Source at Argonne National Laboratory.

  • 11/09/2009

    A report by the National Research Council of the National Academy of Sciences, the United States, once the world leader in the discovery and growth of crystalline materials, is now falling behind other nations. The report also singles out the U.S. Department of Energy’s national laboratories as one of the bright spots, citing the Ames Laboratory both as a center for new materials research and as a training ground for the next generation of researchers.

  • 10/29/2009

    Employees from the U.S. Department of Energy’s Ames Laboratory will help keep Story County families warm this winter. On Saturday, Oct. 30, three teams of Ames Lab employees will volunteer at the Story County Winter Weatherization Challenge.

  • 10/19/2009

    U.S. Department of Energy Deputy Secretary Daniel Poneman today announced the winners of the 2009 Department of Energy Solar Competition on the National Mall in Washington, D.C.  Team Germany, the student team from Darmstadt, Germany, won top honors by designing, building, and operating the most attractive and efficient solar-powered home.  The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign took second place followed by Team California in third place.