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Money Smart - A Financial Education Program

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Money Smart for Small Business Training Alliance

Interested in Joining the Training Alliance?

The following types of organizations are eligible to become members of the Training Alliance:

  • Regulated financial institutions (banks and credit unions)
  • Nonprofit organizations
  • Units of government (including government-controlled entities)

If you are interested in joining the Training Alliance, we encourage you to take these simple steps:

  1. Order the free MSSB curriculum right away.  The best way to learn about the curriculum is to explore the materials for yourself.  
  2. Complete a self-assessment to determine your readiness to offer MSSB courses.
  3. Tell us about yourself.  Let us know about your interest in joining the Training Alliance.

Is Your Organization Ready to Offer Training?  A Self-Assessment

The following questions can help you gauge your organization’s readiness to offer Money Smart for Small Business as a member of the Training Alliance.  These questions can also help you think about the steps you’ll need to take to set up a training program in your community.

  • Does your organization have experience providing training to small businesses (including technical assistance, mentoring, coaching, etc.)?
  • Does your organization work with small businesses to help them raise debt or equity? 
  • Does your organization provide finance directly or in partnership with others?
  • Are your organization’s marketing efforts able to reach into the small business community?
  • Are you able to reach unbanked/underbanked populations?
  • Do you have partners to help you in these efforts?
  • Do you have your target market for the training in mind?
  • Does your organization have subject-matter experts in-house?  If not, do you have access to experts to deliver the course?
  • Is your organization or your partners able to provide follow-up support after the completion of the class?

If you've answered "Yes" to the majority of these questions, then you're in good shape to deliver quality trainings!

Next Steps

FDIC is looking forward to hearing from organizations interested in providing Money Smart for Small Business in their communities.  Feel free to reach out to FDIC Regional Office staff; you will find contact information on the web at http://www.fdic.gov/consumers/community/offices.html.  You can also email FDIC at communityaffairs@fdic.gov.

When sending us a message, don’t forget to share your organization’s contact information, including a specific Point of Contact within your organization.

We are eager to learn about your organization and the work you do in the community.

Last Updated 01/15/2013 CommunityAffairs@fdic.gov