Data Set

Rural Airport Listing (XLS)

About this Document

This Excel spreadsheet has been prepared for the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) by the DOT's Office of Airline Information.

This list was prepared based on 2008 enplanement statistics and can be used for 2010. Airport distances are calculated from a start and end latitude and longitude based on a constant compass course for a rhumb line between the points (loxodrome) using an Albers Equal Area Projection. Airport coordinates are based on FAA and National Imagery and Mapping Agency data. Subsidized Essential Air Service communities are eligible for tax relief regardless of its proximity to other airports.

If an airport does not appear on the list and an airport administrator has information that may render an airport eligible, this information should be submitted, in writing, to:

Office of Airline Information, RITA, RTS 42
U.S. Department of Transportation, 1200 New Jersey Ave., S.E.
Washington, DC 20590
Telephone 202-366-4385

Please provide a telephone contact, should questions arise concerning the information submitted. U.S. public and private airport use is based on data provided by FAA.  Codes are FAA and IATA codes. Data is sorted by country, state and then alphabetically by city name.

Updated: Tuesday, August 7, 2012