69 FR 17645, April 5, 2004 DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE International Trade Administration [A-580-853] Notice of Final Determination of Sales at Not Less Than Fair Value: Wax and Wax/Resin Thermal Transfer Ribbon from the Republic of Korea AGENCY: Import Administration, International Trade Administration, Department of Commerce. ACTION: Notice of Final Determination of Sales at Not Less Than Fair Value. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- EFFECTIVE DATE: April 5, 2004. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Fred Baker, Mike Heaney, or Robert James, AD/CVD Enforcement, Group III, Import Administration, International Trade Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce, 14th Street and Constitution Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20230, telephone: (202) 482-2924, (202) 482-4475, or (202) 482-0649, respectively. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Final Determination We determine that wax and wax/resin thermal transfer ribbons (TTR) are not being, nor are likely to be, sold in the United States at less than fair value (LTFV), as provided in section 735 of the Tariff Act of 1930, as amended (the Tariff Act). Case History The Department published the preliminary determination of sales at not less-than-fair-value on December 22, 2003. See Notice of Determination of Sales at Not Less Than Fair Value: Wax and Wax/Resin Thermal Transfer Ribbons from the Republic of Korea, 68 FR 71078 (December 22, 2003) (Preliminary Determination). Since then the following events have occurred. On December 22, 2003 respondent Illinois Tool Works, Inc. (the only known producer/exporter of TTR from Korea to the United States (ITW)) submitted its response to the Department's November 28, 2003 supplemental questionnaire regarding the section E further manufacturing response of ITW's U.S. affiliate ITW Thermal Films (ITWTF). Also on December 22, 2003 ITW submitted its response to the Department's sections A, B, and C supplemental questionnaire, issued on December 1, 2003. On December 23, 2003 DigiPrint International, a U.S. importer of TTR slit in India, submitted comments on substantial transformation and country of origin.These comments were made part of the TTR from Korea investigation as an attachment to a memorandum to the file dated January 9, 2004. See memorandum from Cheryl Werner to the file dated January 9, 2004 on file in room B-099 of the Department of Commerce building. On January 5, 2004 ITW submitted its response to the Department's December 18, 2003 section D supplemental questionnaire. Also on January 5, 2004 the Department issued another section E supplemental questionnaire. On January 5, 2004 and January 16, 2004, International Imaging Materials, Inc. (petitioner) submitted comments regarding (1) its allegation that respondents in the three concurrent investigations of TTR (France, Japan, and South Korea) would attempt to circumvent the order by slitting jumbo rolls in third countries, and (2) its request that the Department therefore determine that slitting does not change the country of origin of TTR for antidumping purposes. On January 6, 2004 petitioner submitted comments on the upcoming cost of production (COP) verification. On January 9, 2004 Armor S.A. (the sole respondent in the antidumping investigation of TTR from France) submitted a response to petitioner's January 5, 2004 comments on country of origin. On January 12, 2004 ITW submitted its response to the Department's January 5, 2004 section E supplemental questionnaire. From January 12 through January 16, 2004 Department officials verified the cost of production response of ITW Specialty Films Co., Ltd. (ITWSFK) in Seoul, Korea. See February 5, 2004 cost verification report. This and all other memoranda cited herein are on file in the Central Records Unit, room B-099 of the Department of Commerce building. From January 16 through January 19, 2004 Department officials verified the sales response of ITWSFK in Seoul, Korea. See February 17, 2004 sales verification report. On January 20, 2004 petitioner met with Department officials to discuss their concerns about some of the information on the record. See Memorandum from Fred Baker to the File, dated January 22, 2004. [[Page 17646]] On January 21, 2004 petitioner requested a hearing. On January 22, 2004, petitioner submitted pre-verification comments for the upcoming further manufacturing verification in Romeo, Michigan. On January 23, 2004 ITW requested to participate in the hearing. Also on January 23, 2004 petitioner submitted comments on ITW's sections supplemental A, B, and C responses and the submissions by three of ITW's affiliated U.S. resellers. Also on January 23, 2004 petitioner requested that the Department postpone the final determination until March 22, 2004. From January 26 through January 28, 2004 Department officials verified the further manufacturing response of ITW Thermal Films (ITWTF) in Romeo, Michigan. See February 5, 2004 further-manufacturing verification report. From January 28 through January 30, 2004 Department officials verified the sales response of ITWTF in Romeo, Michigan. See February 18, 2004 CEP verification report. On February 9, 2004 petitioner met with Department officials to discuss various aspects of the distribution process for TTR in both the United States and Korea. See Memorandum from Robert James to the File dated February 9, 2004. On February 11, 2004 petitioner made a submission in follow-up to the February 9, 2004 meeting with Department officials. On February 12, 2004 the Department extended the deadline for issuing the final determination. See Notice of Postponement of Final Antidumping Duty Determination: Wax and Wax/Resin Thermal Transfer Ribbons from the Republic of Korea, 69 FR 6941 (February 12, 2004). On February 18, 2004 the Department issued a ``post-preliminary analysis'' of ITW's submitted data in response to the below-COP allegation made by petitioner. We initiated the below-cost sales investigation on November 19, 2003. The ``post-preliminary analysis'' consisted of a recalculation of ITW's dumping margin based on all the information on the record to date, including cost data and verification findings. See Memorandum from Fred Baker to the File dated February 18, 2004. On February 26, 2004 ITW and petitioner submitted case briefs. On February 27, 2004 petitioner withdrew its request for a hearing. On March 2, 2004 ITW and petitioner submitted rebuttal briefs. On March 3, 2004 petitioner met with Department officials to discuss issues raised in the case briefs. See Memorandum to the File dated March 4, 2004. On March 10, 2004 ITW held a meeting with Department officials to discuss issues raised in the case briefs. See memorandum to the file dated March 10, 2004. On March 25, 2004 the Department again extended the deadline for issuing the final determination. See Notice of Postponement of Final Antidumping Duty Determination: Wax and Wax/Resin Thermal Transfer Ribbons from the Republic of Korea, 69 FR 15298 (March 25, 2004). On March 22, 2004 Department officials met with counsel for petitioners. See Memorandum to the File dated March 23, 2004. The following day Department officials met with counsel for ITW. See Memorandum to the File dated March 23, 2004. Period of Investigation The period of investigation is April 1, 2002 through March 31, 2003. Analysis of Comments Received All issues raised in the case and rebuttal briefs by parties to this antidumping investigation are addressed in the ``Issues and Decision Memorandum'' (Decision Memorandum) from Joseph A. Spetrini, Deputy Assistant Secretary, Import Administration, to James J. Jochum, Assistant Secretary for Import Administration, dated March 29, 2004, which is hereby adopted by this notice. A list of the issues which parties have raised and to which we have responded, all of which are in the Decision Memorandum, is attached to this notice as an appendix. Parties can find a complete discussion of all issues raised in this investigation and the corresponding recommendations in this public memorandum which is on file in the Central Records Unit, room B-099 of the main Department of Commerce building. In addition, a complete version of the Decision Memorandum can be accessed directly on the Web at http://ia.ita.doc.gov/. The paper copy and electronic version of the Decision Memorandum are identical in content. Scope of Investigation This investigation covers wax and wax/resin thermal transfer ribbons (TTR), in slit or unslit (``jumbo'') form originating from Korea with a total wax (natural or synthetic) content of all the image side layers, that transfer in whole or in part, of equal to or greater than 20 percent by weight and a wax content of the colorant layer of equal to or greater than 10 percent by weight, and a black color as defined by industry standards by the CIELAB (International Commission on Illumination) color specification such that L<*35,-20