U.S., Denmark Launch Partnership To Promote Green Growth and Energy Efficiency

Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton delivers remarks at the Green Partnership for Growth launch in Copenhagen, Denmark, May 31, 2012. [State Department photo/ Public Domain]

About the Author: Laurie S. Fulton serves as U.S. Ambassador to Denmark.

Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton and Danish Prime Minister Helle Thorning-Schmidt announced a joint U.S.-Danish initiative to partner the public and private sectors to promote green growth and energy efficiency on May 31 in Copenhagen, Denmark to an audience of over 200 gathered at the Danish Folketing (Parliament).

The initiative, Green Partnerships for Growth, exemplifies the priority of “green growth” for both the United States and Denmark. Prime Minister Thorning-Schmidt remarked that the partnership showcases “two governments sharing a common vision.” Government leaders in both countries have pledged to implement renewable energy and energy efficiency technologies in the public sector — including the defense sector — to reduce energy consumption and implement sustainable energy strategies. American and Danish companies offer unique… more »

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton holds a townterview with Danish Youth, hosted by TV2 with Johannes Langkilde, in Copenhagen, Denmark on May 31, 2012. A text transcript can be found at http://www.state.gov/secretary/rm/2012/05/191575.htm

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton comments on Syria during her remarks with Danish Foreign Minister Villy Sovndal in Copenhagen, Denmark on May 31, 2012. Go to http://www.state.gov for text transcript.

Remarks With Danish Foreign Minister Villy Sovndal
Hillary Rodham Clinton
Secretary of State
Eigtveds Pakhus
Copenhagen, Denmark
May 31, 2012

SECRETARY CLINTON: It is indeed a pleasure to be back here in Copenhagen. This is my first stop on a trip that will take me to several European countries over the next week to underscore America’s commitment to our transatlantic allies and our shared values. You are, after all, our partners of first resort. And together, we are facing the challenges of a complex, dangerous, and fast-moving world. And I’m particularly grateful for Denmark’s leadership in the area of humanitarian and development assistance as well as the staunch contributions to our shared security.

The friendship between our two countries dates back more than two centuries and the bonds between our people have endured over that time. Our commitment to democracy, to human rights, to human dignity is core to all of us. And this morning I had the great privilege of speaking with a group of Danish young people about the kind of future that we hope awaits them.

We had a very productive lunch, talked through a range of issues as the minister has said, because after all we are working together on matters ranging from nuclear proliferation in Iran to global food security. MORE

Secretary Clinton Travels to Europe and Eurasia

Secretary Clinton boards plane in Beirut, Lebanon, April 26, 2009. [State Department Photo]

More: Trip Page | Interactive Travel Map

Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton will travel to Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Armenia, Georgia, Azerbaijan, and Turkey from May 31-June 7. In Denmark, Secretary Clinton will hold bilateral meetings with senior Danish officials in Copenhagen. She will also participate in the kick-off event for Green Partnerships for Growth, a bilateral initiative to promote green technology through public and private sector partnerships.

On June 1, Secretary Clinton will travel to Oslo, Norway, to meet with senior Norwegian officials and give keynote remarks at a global health conference hosted by the Norwegian government titled, “A World in Transition… more »

Special Representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan Ambassador Marc Grossman Travels to Denmark, Turkey and UAE

Media Note
Office of the Spokesperson
Washington, DC
April 23, 2012

U.S. Special Representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan Ambassador Marc Grossman is traveling to Copenhagen, Ankara and Abu Dhabi from April 23 to April 25, 2012.

Ambassador Grossman is in Turkey, following a trip to Denmark, to continue consultations with senior officials on how the international community can best support a sustainable and sufficient Afghan National Security Forces in advance of the NATO summit in Chicago this May. Chicago will be a critical milestone in our effort in Afghanistan, as leaders come together to discuss transition within the Lisbon framework and the future of our support for Afghanistan and its security forces.

On April 24, Ambassador Grossman will travel to Abu Dhabi, UAE. There, he will take part in a meeting of the International Contact Group on Afghanistan on April 25.