Updated 12/04/2012 12:01 PM   |   ID# 27

How pensions affect your Social Security benefit

Will my retirement pension reduce the amount of my Social Security benefit?

If your pension is from work where you paid Social Security taxes, it will not affect the amount of your Social Security benefit. However, if any part of your pension is from work where you did not pay Social Security taxes, it could affect the amount of your Social Security benefit.

A pension based on work that is not covered by Social Security (for example, Federal civil service and some State or local government agencies, such as police officers and some teachers) may cause the amount of your Social Security benefit to be reduced. Your benefit can be reduced based on one of two provisions:

  • The first provision, called Government Pension Offset (GPO), applies only if you receive a government pension not covered by Social Security and are eligible for Social Security benefits as a spouse or widow(er). Under this provision, we may reduce your Social Security benefit as a spouse or widow(er). See our GPO page for more information; and

  • The second provision, called the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP), affects how we calculate your Social Security retirement or disability benefits if you receive a pension from work not covered by Social Security. See our WEP page for more information.

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