  1. Glossary
    A B C D E F G
    H I J K L M N
    O P Q R S T U
    V W X Y Z    
  2. Acronyms
    A B C D E F G
    H I J K L M N
    O P Q R S T U
    V W X Y Z    
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Acronyms: H's

HADS Hydrometeorological Automated Data System
HAZ Hazard
HCVIS High clouds visible
HDFRZ Hard freeze
HDG Heading
HDRAIN An Hourly Digital Rainfall Product of the WSR-88D.
HDSVLY Hudson Valley
HDWND Head wind
HEL Helicopter
HGT Height or height above
HI High, Hail Index, or Heat Index
HIC Hydrologist in Charge or Hydrometeorological Information Center of the Office of Hydrology (OH)
HIER Higher
HIFOR High level forecast
HJ Sunrise to sunset
HLF Half
HLS Hurricane Local Statement
HLSTO Hailstones
HLTP Hilltop
HLYR Haze layer aloft
HMD Hemispheric Map Discussion
HMT Hydrometeorological Technicians
HN Sunset to sunrise
HND Hundred
HOD The Hydrologist on Duty or Hydrologic Operations Division of the Office of Hydrology (OH).
HOL Holiday
HP High Precipitation
HPA Hectapascal
HPC Hydrometeorological Prediction Center
HPD Hourly Precipitation Data
HR Hour
HRL The Hydrological Research Laboratory at the Office of
HRS Hours
HRZN Horizon
HSA Hydrologic Service Area
HSB The Hydrologic Systems Branch in the Office of Hydrology (OH).
HSD Heavy Snow Discussion
HSF High Seas Forecasts
HTC The Hydrometeorological Training Council
HTG Heating
HURCN Hurricane
HUREP Hurricane report
HV Have
HVY Heavy
HVYR Heavier
HVYST Heaviest
HWO Severe Weather Potential Statement
HWVR However
HWY Highway
HYR Higher
Hz Hertz (Hz)
HZ Haze


A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

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