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In this week’s Republican address, Rep. Martha Roby (R-AL) calls on President Obama to join House-led efforts to replace his harmful sequester with better spending cuts, not more tax increases.

February 16, 2013

Delivering the Weekly Republican Address, Rep. Martha Roby (R-AL) calls on President Obama and Senate Democrats to join House-led efforts to replace his harmful sequester – not with more tax increases, but with better, responsible spending cuts that put our budget on a path to balance in 10 years.

February 15, 2013

"Families can’t be asked to foot the bill for automatic government pay raises when their wages are stagnant, prices are rising, and jobs are hard to come by."

February 15, 2013

Here are some things we wish the president was better at (and that would be more productive) than an "endless campaign"...

February 15, 2013

A coalition mentioned by President Obama in his State of the Union contradicts the claim that he’s “cutting red tape...”

February 14, 2013
A Reformer Who Took on the Establishment

Elected to Congress in 1990, John quickly became a voice for reform in Congress. First, he adopted a "no earmarks" policy that he carries with him to this day. And as part of the "Gang of Seven", he and fellow lawmakers took on the House establishment - Democrats and Republicans. Together, they successfully closed the scandal-riddled House Bank, uncovered "dine-and-dash" practices at the House Restaurant, and exposed drug sales and cozy cash-for-stamps deals at the House Post Office.

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