Celebrate with a chocolate chip cookie

Our guest author today is Constance Carter, head of the science reference section, mentor, and cookie goddess.   Today is the birthday of Ruth Graves Wakefield, “mother of the chocolate chip cookie.”  She was born on June 17, 1903, and Inside Adams is celebrating by unveiling the division’s latest acquisition, the 1938 edition of Ruth Wakefield’s …

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Ushering in the New Year with Special Foods

January 1 begins the new year of the Gregorian calendar. Many of us who celebrate this day have traditions for bringing in the New Year such as banging pots and pans, blowing horns, kissing the person next to you, and making resolutions.  We also have food traditions and special meals that we prepare and serve on …

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Please pass the slow twitch fiber…

 At the Thanksgiving table, some reach for dark meat, others reach for white meat- my grandfather reaches for the neck! In the sprit of Thanksgiving, and for all the inquisitive minds out there, I thought it might be helpful to explain why turkeys have dark and white meat. Generally speaking, the meats we eat are muscles …

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Candied yams or Candied Sweet Potatoes?

Have you ever wondered what the difference is between a sweet potato and yam? I have. I found myself in a market looking for fresh sweet potatoes for a sweet potato salad recipe. I searched the produce aisle, without success. So I asked the produce manager for help. He told me to use the garnet …

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