National Estuarine Research Reserve System
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Coastal Management Issues
As a network of place-based providers of science-based information, the Reserve System CTPs are uniquely positioned to assume a lead role in delivery of pertinent information to local and regional decision-makers.  The Reserve System's strategic plan has identified priority coastal management issues that CTP should address.  These are broadly defined as:
  • Land use and population growth 
  • Habitat loss and alteration Habitat loss and alteration
  • Water quality degradation
  • Changes in biological communities
Within this context, each Reserve defines more specifically what coastal resource issues will be addressed by their CTP, through periodic audience assessment, planning and strategy development.  Reserves also have dedicated research and education staff that can assist in training program design and delivery, science translation, and facilitation for CTP training events.  As place-based protected areas, the Reserves may also provide locally relevant field sites for CTP training workshops or events.  Lastly, Reserve staff work with communities and coastal decision-makers in their locality and bioregion on a regular basis and have developed close relationships, credibility and a broad understanding of local and regional information and technology needs.

Chesapeake Bay, VA NERR

photo courtesy of Chesapeake Bay Virginia Reserve

Last Updated on: Wednesday, May 05, 2010
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