School Leadership Program

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 Office of Innovation and Improvement Home

CFDA Number: 84.363A
Program Type: Discretionary/Competitive Grants


This program provides grants to support the development, enhancement, or expansion of innovative programs to recruit, train, and mentor principals (including assistant principals) for high-need LEAs.


Programs and projects assisted under this section may include the following activities:

  • Providing financial incentives to aspiring new principals;

  • Providing stipends to principals who mentor new principals;

  • Carrying out professional development programs in instructional leadership and management; and

  • Providing incentives that are appropriate for teachers or individuals from other fields who want to become principals and that are effective in retaining new principals.

Additional Information

The School Leadership program provides competitive grants to assist high-need local educational agencies (LEAs) with recruiting, training, and retaining principals and assistant principals. A high-need LEA is defined as one that: (1) either serves at least 10,000 children from low-income families or serves a community in which at least 20 percent of children are from low-income families; and (2) has a high percentage of teachers teaching either outside of their certification or with emergency, provisional, or temporary certification.

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Last Modified: 04/14/2010