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When will government listen?
Posted by Randy | October 28, 2009

I spoke yesterday on the House floor about jobs and our economy. In case you missed it, you can watch the video footage here. I’ve also included the text of my speech below. 




Mr. Speaker, last week I received a call every Member of Congress fears: a plant with 1,100 jobs in a town of 9,000 residents closed its doors. I want to be, and I will be there for them as the symptoms of a bad economy entangle their lives. But Americans are asking you a larger question today: when will this government listen to the voice of wisdom shouting for us to address the causes of a bad economy and not just the symptoms? 


As 1 of 17 Members of Congress who voted against every one of your bailout and stimulus bills, I watched you ignore that voice of wisdom as you saddled our grandchildren with a debt they will wear for decades as a badge of dishonor for your deafness.  I watched as you ignored it as you tried to impose your energy agenda knowing it would stifle America’s competitiveness and kill jobs.  I have watched as you ignore it while you try to tax our existing jobs into oblivion.


When will you listen?

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  • Evangeline Thomas commented on 12/12/2009
    I fully agree with everything Congressman Forbes has brought to light, I greatly encourage others to weigh in the balances exactly what is going on in the government of this great nation. I beseech the citizens of America to contemplate these words and where they know them from "We the people" "for the People" "with Liberty and J U S T I C E for ALL" Americans can you truthfully say what is going on in the Senate and in the bills and proposed "packages" reflect these words. Did the bailouts reflect these words. When is the greed for more money going to stop crippling our nation? Why won't our own Government let Honestyand true wisdom set us free. We are not free when we are in debt to other nations, we are hirelings. As a great nation let us all settle for less, american millionaires and up are an insult to our economy. There should be absolute shame in the heart of every american that owns more than they can use in a lifetime when so many have nothing. This includes government officials at every level. The companies and corporations that are using other nations for labor and industry to increase their profits should lose their citizenship, they are crippling Our Country and flaunting treason in the face of every American. I know I'm not the only American that sees this, I hear it day after day from my American brothers and sisters.
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