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Shelby County Pollution Control Air/Water
Mission & Duties
Robert Rogers, P.E.
Technical Manager

814 Jefferson Ave.
Memphis, TN  38105

Ph: (901) 222-9599
Fx: (901) 222-9561

The Pollution Control Section is directed to maintain the purity of the air resources in Shelby County, and to protect the health, general welfare, and physical property citizens. The Pollution Control Section establishes air emission standards and requirements to monitor air pollution sources through the issuance of construction and operating permits. Other duties include:
  • Collecting and disseminating information relative to the control of air pollution
  • Conducting source visits and compliance inspections
  • Developing enforcement cases on violations of the regulations
  • Inspecting water production, residential wells, and deep soil borings
  • Monitoring local ambient air quality
  • Performing and observing stack tests



MEMPHIS, TN – The local ozone pollution monitoring season ended Oct. 31, and the Memphis Metropolitan Area continues to meet all health-based air quality standards set by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

“This is great news for public health," said Alisa Haushalter, DNP, RN, director of the Shelby County Health Department. "Meeting air quality standards means that we are directly protecting the public’s health within our community. It also leads to greater potential for economic development by encouraging businesses to consider moving to or expanding into the area.”

By continuing the improvements in local air quality listed below, the Memphis Metropolitan Area is on track to meet the new, stricter ozone standard which begins late 2017.

  • Government agencies and industry leaders finding cleaner and more efficient production methods;
  • Emission improvements in modern mobile sources, including cars and trucks;
  • Communities make clean air choices in their daily activities.

For more information on air quality and ways to improve it, go to

Vasco A. Smith, Jr. County Administration Building • (901) 222-2300
160 North Main Street Memphis TN 38103
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