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Air Program
OverviewAir monitors located at the Quapaw Tribe's Industrial Park
This program is conducting air monitoring at three tribal sites throughout Quapaw territory. Two of the tribal sites are part of our Tar Creek Air Monitoring Project and are located in the Picher-Cardin areas. These sites monitor for particulate matter (PM2.5 and PM10), lead.

The other tribal site is located near our field office on the tribal industrial park. This site monitors for fine particulate matter, criteria pollutants, and meteorological parameters. These pollutants are nitrogen oxide, ozone and PM2.5. The meteorological parameters are temperature, humidity, precipitation, wind speed, and wind direction. Ozone and PM2.5 are submitted hourly to the AIRNow website.

Additional Programs
Other program initiatives include conducting education and outreach to Tribal members regarding air quality issues and participation in other Tribal air quality organizations.