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What's New?
Particles And Fields Package Integrated On Upcoming Mars Bound Spacecraft - 03/14/2013
The six science instruments that comprise the Particles and Fields Package that will characterize the solar wind and ionosphere of Mars have been integrated aboard NASA's Mars Atmosphere and Volatile EvolutioN (MAVEN) spacecraft. >>
NASA Mars Rover Mission Picked For Smithsonian Honor - 03/13/2013
NASA's Mars Science Laboratory Project, managed by NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif., has been selected to receive the top group honor from the Smithsonian's National Air and Space Museum -- the Trophy for Current Achievement. The award >>
Mars Curiosity Lands South By Southwest Interactive Award - 03/13/2013
The down-to-Earth persona of NASA's Mars Curiosity rover, expressed on Twitter, Facebook, live streaming on Ustream, viral videos and the first Foursquare check-in from another planet, has captured the 2013 South by Southwest (SXSW) Interactive Award for >>
NASA Rover Finds Conditions Once Suited For Ancient Life On Mars - 03/12/2013
An analysis of a rock sample collected by NASA's Curiosity rover shows ancient Mars could have supported living microbes. >>
Curiosity Rover's Recovery Moving Forward - 03/11/2013
NASA's Mars rover Curiosity continues to move forward with assessment and recovery from a memory glitch that affected the rover's A-side computer. Curiosity has two computers that are redundant of one another. >>
NASA Helps See Buried Mars Flood Channels In 3-D - 03/07/2013
NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter has provided images allowing scientists for the first time to create a 3-D reconstruction of ancient water channels below the Martian surface. >>
Recent Videos
Curiosity Rover Hits Paydirt - 03/15/2013
Curiosity's analyzed rock sample proves ancient Mars could have supported living microbes. >>
Why is Curiosity Looking for Organics? - 03/06/2013
Has Mars ever had the right ingredients for life? What are organic molecules, and what can they tell us about the history of Mars? Learn more in this 60-second video from NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory. >>
Curiosity Collects First Rock Sample on Mars - 02/22/2013
Curiosity rover obtains the first sample ever collected from the interior of a rock on another planet. >>
Curiosity Drills on Mars - 02/15/2013
NASA's Curiosity drills for first sample from inside a rock on Mars. >>
Curiosity Finds Calcium-Rich Deposits - 01/18/2013
NASA's Curiosity rover finds calcium deposits on Mars similar to those seen on Earth when water circulates in cracks and rock fractures. >>
Curiosity Rover Gives Mars the Brush-Off - 01/10/2013
NASA's Curiosity rover dusts off a rock on Mars for the first time. >>
Where are the Spacecraft?
Where is Curiosity?
Curiosity is on Mars!Follow Curiosity on her journey at Explore Mars: Curiosity's Journey >>
Where is the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter?
View the simulated views and computer generated images of where Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter is now. >>
Where is Odyssey?
View the simulated views and computer generated images of where Mars Odyssey is now. >>
Where are the Rovers?
Opportunity has now reached its three-year-long target, Endeavour crater, where it will spend time studying rocks never seen before. After a successful six-year mission, Spirit's mission has officially concluded. ������Send a tribute on Spirit���s mission at:
Explore Curiosity's Journey on Mars! - 08/27/2012
See the latest mission images of our spacecraft and those returned from the Red Planet and get the latest updates on Curiosity's Journey! NASA Be A Martian >>
Mars Mobile
Tune in with Mars on the go.Download the Be A Martian App, on your smart phones! >>
Mars Apps On Windows 8!
See the latest mission images of our spacecraft and those returned from the Red Planet and get the latest updates on Curiosity's Journey! NASA Be A Martian >>

Mars Calendar 2013 - 2014
Rover Free-Drive
Want to drive a rover on the surface of Mars? Play this interactive! >>
Ask Dr. C
Have you ever wondered why Mars is red?
Or, how big is the Mars Science Laboratory rover? Ask Dr. C, your personal Mars expert! >>