






Special Needs



Fort Campbell Schools

77 Texas Ave

Fort Campbell, KY 42223

(270) 439 – 1927





Welcome to the Ft. Campbell Schools.  Together with Ft. Knox Schools we form the Kentucky District of the Domestic Dependents’ Elementary and Secondary Schools (DDESS). Our Ft. Campbell community has 6 elementary schools, 2 middle schools, and 1 high school.  The DDESS Area Support Center for the domestic schools is located in Peachtree City, Georgia. All of the DDESS schools are part of the Department of Defense Education Activity (DoDEA) school system which has schools throughout the world. 


All schools in the DoDEA system are subject to the Department of Defense Instruction 1342.12, Provision of Early Intervention and Special Education Services to Eligible Department of Defense (DoD) Dependents.  This Instruction reflects the system’s implementation of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).


It is the policy of DoDEA that all students be provided a free, appropriate education in schools where placement and service decisions are based on the individual needs of the student, in the least restrictive environment, and in accordance with the system’s guiding principles.




The vocabulary used in special education can vary from system to system.  Here is a listing of frequent vocabulary used in the DoDEA system.


Preschool Services for Children with Disabilities (PSCD ) – These are services for children, beginning at age 3, who have been identified as students with a disability.  At present there are classes of PSCD children in all 6 of our elementary schools




Learning Impaired with Mild to Moderate needs (LIM/M) – Students who receive these services are those with identified educational disabilities which have a mild-moderate impact on their educational performance.  These services are available in all schools.


Learning Impaired with Moderate to Severe needs (LIS) – Students who receive these services are those with identified educational disabilities that have a moderate-severe impact on their educational performance.  All six elementary schools, one middle school, and the high school provide these services to identified students. 


Case Study Committee (CSC) – This is the

title given to the multi-disciplinary team that completes procedures to determine eligibility and determines appropriate services to a child with a disability.  The parent(s) is a member of this team. Be sure you attempt to attend every CSC meeting concerning your child.


Speech-Language – These services are provided to a special education student based on eligibility or identified need.  These services are available in all schools.


Vision and Hearing Impaired (VI, HI)Ft. Campbell has certified educators who provide services to address the needs of identified students in all of our schools.  The educators are itinerant members at each school.


Occupational and Physical Therapy (OT, PT) – These services are provided by certified staff members for children with identified needs.  They are itinerant, serving the needs of students in all of our schools.


Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) – This is the terminology from IDEA that says each student will receive services in his individually determined least restrictive environment.  That means that a continuum of placements and serviceswill be considered for each child to identify his individual LRE.


Extended School Year (ESY) – Special education services are available beyond the academic year for students who meet the criteria for participation. ESY is a CSC decision to be addressed annually.


Educational Developmental Intervention Services (EDIS) – This community-military agency provides services to children below the age of 3 years who meet their eligibility criteria.  As the child approaches his third birthday, the transition to school based PSCD is coordinated.



Q:  What are the requirements for a child to register in a Ft. Campbell School?

A:  Registration is possible when –

1.       the family lives on post, or

2.       the sponsor has a letter from the housing office that says the family will have housing within 90 school days, and

3.       the child will be at least 4 years of age on or before 1 September.


Q:  What is the “90 day letter”?

A:  This is a letter from the housing office that says housing will be available for your family within 90 school days.  There may be more than one housing area listed on the letter.  Take the letter
to one of the school offices and someone can advise you about the school(s) in which you could enroll your child.


Q:  Where do I register my child?

A:  Children register at their neighborhood school.  If there are questions contact a school office.


Q:  What information do I need for school registration?

A:  Information required for all new students includes:

1.             birth certificate

2.             physical examination within the last 12 months or within 30 days following enrollment

3.             Kentucky Immunization Certificate; copy of updated shot record

4.             Child and sponsor Social Security Numbers

5.             Housing authorization

6.             Name, address of previous school

7.             Hepatitis B inoculation series for all students entering 6th grade


Q:  What information should bring for registration if my child was enrolled in special education in his previous school?

A:  Any information you provide us will better asist us in making informed decisions about your child until assessements can be gathered. Provide copies of his the last IEP, as many assessment reports as possible, and the latest special education eligibility information to the school.  If your child is between the ages of 3-5 years an Individual Family Service Plan (IFSP) can be used in place of an IEP


Q:  When will my child begin to receive special education services?

A:  Special education services will begin as soon after your child enrolls in the school as possible.  The services will be based on the incoming information and the incoming IEP from the previous school.  The services will be provided in accordance with the student’s needs and

DoDEA guidance.  A case manager who is the primary service provider will be assigned by the school.


Q:  When will the first CSC meeting be held for my child?

A:  The first CSC meeting will be held within 15 school days after your child’s enrollment.  The parent(s) is to be a member of this CSC team.  Together the CSC team members will review the incoming IEP and determine the appropriate services for your child.  There must be consensus among the membership about any decisions that are made.


Q:  Where will services be provided?

A:  Special education consists of specialized instruction focused on the identified needs of each child.  These services are provided in various locations based on the nature and severity of the child’s needs, age, characteristics of the disability, and factors unique to the child.  Each child is to receive these services in the least restrictive environment as individually determined.


Q:  If I am concerned about the development of my preschool age child, what could I do?

A:  You could contact the local elementary school or the Texas Avenue office and speak with one of the Special Education Coordinators about the Child Find program.  Screenings of children’s developmental levels can be arranged.