Historical Documents


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Foreign Relations of the United States, 1961–1963, Volume V, Soviet Union


  • Abel, Rudolf I., Colonel in the Soviet Intelligence Service arrested in the United States in 1957
  • Adenauer, Konrad, Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany until October 1963
  • Adzhubei, Aleksei I., Editor in Chief of Izvestia and Khrushchev's son-in-law
  • Akalovsky, Alexander A., interpreter, Department of State and Arms Control and Disarmament Agency
  • Armitage, John A., Officer in Charge of Multilateral Political Relations, Office of Soviet Union Affairs, Bureau of European Affairs, Department of State until August 1961
  • Ball, George W., Under Secretary of State for Economic Affairs until December 1961; thereafter Under Secretary of State
  • Barghoorn, Frederick C., Yale University professor
  • Battle, Lucius D., Special Assistant to the Secretary of State and Executive Secretary of the Department from March 1961 to May 1962; thereafter Assistant Secretary of State for Educational and Cultural Affairs
  • Blagonravov, Anatoli A., academician in the Soviet Academy of Sciences
  • Bohlen, Charles E., Special Assistant to the Secretary of State until September 1962; thereafter Ambassador to France
  • Bolshakov Georgi N., Editor in Chief of USSR magazine; Assistant Information Secretary and then Information Counselor at the Soviet Embassy in the United States, 1961-1962
  • Borisov, Sergei A., Soviet First Deputy Minister of Trade
  • Boster, Davis E., Officer in Charge of Bilateral Political Relations, Office of Soviet Union Affairs, Bureau of European Affairs, Department of State, 1961
  • Bowles, Chester B., Under Secretary of State until December 1961; Ambassador at Large from December 1961 until June 1963; thereafter Ambassador to India
  • Brezhnev, Leonid I., Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Soviet Union
  • Bruce, David K.E., Ambassador to the United Kingdom from March 1961
  • Bundy, McGeorge, President's Special Assistant for National Security Affairs
  • Burdett, William C., Jr., Director of the Office of British Commonwealth and Northern European Affairs, Bureau of European Affairs, Department of State, until September 1962; thereafter Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs
  • Castro, Fidel, President of Cuba
  • Chayes, Abram J., Legal Adviser of the Department of State
  • Chiang Kai-shek, Generalissimo, President of the Republic of China
  • Cline, Ray, CIA Chief of Station in Taipei until June 1962; thereafter Deputy Director for Intelligence, Central Intelligence Agency
  • Coombs, Philip H., Assistant Secretary of State for Educational and Cultural Affairs from March 1961 until June 1962
  • Cousins, Norman, Editor of the Saturday Review
  • Curtis, John R., Jr., Staff Assistant, Policy Planning Council, Department of State, from August 1961 to March 1962; Special Assistant to the Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs from March 1962 until April 1963
  • Davies, Richard T., Public Affairs Adviser, Office of Soviet Union Affairs, Bureau of European Affairs, Department of State, until July 1961; Counselor at Moscow from July 1961 until February 1963
  • Davis, Richard H., Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs
  • Dean, Arthur H., Chairman of the Delegation to the Eighteen Nation Disarmament Committee at Geneva until December 1962
  • de Gaulle, Charles, President of France
  • Dillon, C. Douglas, Secretary of the Treasury
  • Dobrynin, Anatoli F., Chief of the American Countries Division, Soviet Foreign Ministry, until March 1962; thereafter Ambassador to the United States
  • Douglas-Home, Sir Alexander Frederick, British Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs until October 1963; Prime Minister thereafter
  • Dryden, Hugh L., Deputy Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration
  • Dutton, Frederick G., Assistant Secretary of State for Congressional Relations from December 1961
  • Eisenhower, Dwight D., President of the United States until January 20, 1961
  • Foster, William C., Director of the Arms Control and Disarmament Agency from October 1961
  • Freeman, Orville L., Secretary of Agriculture
  • Gomulka, Wladyslaw, First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Polish Communist Party (Polish United Workers' Party)
  • Gromyko, Andrei A., Soviet Foreign Minister
  • Guthrie, John C., Deputy Director of the Office of Soviet Union Affairs, Bureau of European Affairs, Department of State, until June 1961; thereafter Director
  • Hammarskjold, Dag, United Nations Secretary General until September 1961
  • Hammer, Armand, President of the Occidental Petroleum Corporation
  • Harriman, W. Averell, Ambassador at Large until December 1961; Assistant Secretary of State for Far Eastern Affairs until April 1963; thereafter Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs
  • Henry, David H., Deputy Director of the Office of Soviet Union Affairs, Department of State, from July 1961
  • Hodges, Luther, Secretary of Commerce
  • Home, see Douglas-Home
  • Johnson, Lyndon B., Vice President of the United States until November 22, 1963; thereafter President
  • Johnson, U. Alexis, Deputy Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs from May 1961
  • Kamenev, V. M., Deputy Chief of the American Section, Soviet State Committee for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries
  • Kamman, Curtis W., interpreter, Department of State
  • Kaysen, Carl, President's Deputy Special Assistant for National Security Affairs from November 1961
  • Kennan, George F., Ambassador to Yugoslavia from May 1961 until July 1963
  • Kennedy, John F., President of the United States until November 22, 1963
  • Kennedy, Robert F., Attorney General of the United States
  • Kent, Sherman, Chairman of the Board of National Estimates
  • Kharlamov, Mikhail A., Chief of the Press Division, Soviet Foreign Ministry until February 1962; thereafter Chairman of the Soviet State Committee for Radio and Television Broadcasting
  • Khrushchev, Nikita S., Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Soviet Union
  • Kohler, Foy D., Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs until August 1962; thereafter Ambassador to the Soviet Union
  • Kosygin, Aleksei N., First Deputy Premier of the Soviet Union
  • Kozlov, Frol R., Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union
  • Kuznetsov, Vasili V., Soviet First Deputy Foreign Minister
  • Levchenko, Nikifor M., Second Secretary of the Soviet Embassy in the United States
  • McCloskey, Robert J., Public Information Specialist, Office of News, Bureau of Public Affairs, Department of State, until May 1963; thereafter Special Assistant to the Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Public Affairs
  • McCloy, John J., President's Adviser on Disarmament; Chairman of the Coordinating Committee for U.S.-Soviet negotiations over Cuba at the United Nations
  • McCone, John A., Director for Central Intelligence from November 1961
  • McGhee, George C., Counselor of the Department of State and Chairman of the Policy Planning Council until November 1961; Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs until March 1963; thereafter Ambassador to Germany
  • Macmillan, Harold, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom until October 1963
  • McNamara, Robert S., Secretary of Defense
  • McSweeney, John M., Director of the Office of Soviet Union Affairs, Bureau of European Affairs, Department of State, until June 1961; thereafter Minister-Counselor at Moscow
  • Malinovsky, Rodion Ya., Marshal of the Soviet Union and Minister of Defense
  • Manning, Robert J., Assistant Secretary of State for Public Affairs from April 1962
  • Martens, Robert J., Officer in Charge of Soviet Educational and Cultural Exchanges, Soviet and East European Exchanges Staff, Bureau of European Affairs, Department of State
  • Matthews, H. Freeman, Ambassador to Austria until May 1962
  • Menshikov, Mikhail A., Soviet Ambassador to the United States until January 1962
  • Mikoyan, Anastas I., First Deputy Chairman of the Soviet Council of Ministers
  • Murrow, Edward R., Director of the United States Information Agency from March 1961
  • Ngo Dinh Diem, President of the Republic of Vietnam until November 1963
  • Nitze, Paul H., Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs
  • Nixon, Richard M., Vice President of the United States until January 20, 1961
  • Ormsby Gore, Sir David, British Ambassador to the United States from October 1961
  • Owen, Robert I., Officer in Charge of Bilateral Political Relations, Office of Soviet Union Affairs, Bureau of European Affairs, Department of State, from October 1961
  • Powers, Francis Gary, U-2 pilot forced to land in the Soviet Union in May 1960
  • Pysin, Konstantin G., Soviet Deputy Minister of Agriculture, 1961-1962; Minister of Agriculture, 1962-1963
  • Ramsey, James A., Office of Soviet Union Affairs, Bureau of European Affairs, Department of State, from September 1961 to June 1963
  • Romanovsky, S. K., Deputy Chairman of the Soviet State Committee for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries until April 1962; thereafter Chairman
  • Rostow, Walt W., Deputy Special Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs until November 1961; thereafter Counselor of the Department of State and Chairman of the Policy Planning Council
  • Rusk, Dean, Secretary of State
  • Sagatelyan, Mikhail R., TASS Washington Bureau Chief
  • Salinger, Pierre, President's Press Secretary
  • Seaborg, Glenn T., Chairman of the Atomic Energy Commission from March 1961
  • Sihanouk, Prince Norodom, Cambodian Chief of State
  • Siscoe, Frank G., Director of the Soviet and East European Exchanges Staff, Bureau of European Affairs, Department of State
  • Smirnovsky, Mikhail N., Minister-Counselor of the Soviet Embassy in the United States until May 1962; thereafter Chief of the American Countries Section, Soviet Foreign Ministry
  • Sorensen, Theodore C., President's Special Counsel
  • Sorensen, Thomas C., Deputy Director of Plans and Policy, United States Information Agency, from February 1961
  • Souvanna Phouma, Prince, leader of the neutralist political forces in Laos; after June 1962, Prime Minister of Laos and Minister of Defense, Veteran Affairs, and Social Action
  • Stevenson, Adlai E., III, Permanent Representative at the United Nations
  • Sukhodrev, Victor M., interpreter, Soviet Foreign Ministry
  • Suslov, Mikhail A., member of the Supreme Soviet of the Soviet Union and Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union
  • Thompson, Llewellyn E., Jr., Ambassador to the Soviet Union until July 1962; thereafter Ambassador at Large
  • Tsarapkin, Semen K., Chairman of the Soviet Delegation at the Eighteen-Nation Disarmament Committee at Geneva
  • Tubby, Roger W., Assistant Secretary of State for Public Affairs from March 1961 until April 1962
  • Tyler, William R., Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs from May 1961 until August 1962; thereafter Assistant Secretary
  • Udall, Stewart, Secretary of the Interior
  • Ulbricht, Walter, Chairman of the Council of Sate and of the Socialist Unity Party of the German Democratic Republic
  • Valdes, Philip H., Office of Soviet Union Affairs, Bureau of European Affairs, Department of State
  • Whitman, Walter G., Science Adviser, Department of State
  • Yepishev, A. A., Soviet Ambassador to Yugoslavia until May 1962
  • Zhukov, Georgi (Yuri) A., Chairman of the Soviet State Committee for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries until April 1962; thereafter “Observer” columnist for Pravda
  • Zorin, Valerian A., Deputy Soviet Foreign Minister; Permanent Representative at the United Nations, 1960-1962