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1999 Countermeasure Issues

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January 1999 - A Personal Responsibility for Safety

  • Suicide Awareness
  • Accident Review
  • Take No Unnecessary Risk of Life
  • Crash Course in Seatbelts
  • From the Troops

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February 1999 - Night Vision Devices

  • NVD Types and Uses
  • Things That go Bump in the Dark
  • NVD Resources
  • NVG Limitations
  • Accident Review

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March 1999 - Keeping Safety on Track

  • Tracked Vehicle Safety Performance
  • Accident Review: Routine Mission Turns Tragic
  • Fire Down Below
  • Are You Too "HOOAH" For Earplugs?
  • How Many Times



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April 1999 - Chart Your Course - Safely

  • Hot Weather Hazards
  • Nautical Rules of the Road
  • Personal Watercraft Safety
  • Swimming Tips
  • Prepare to Take Cover
  • Water, Water Everywhere

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May1999 - Rushing to Die!

  • Everyone Liked Fred
  • Minimize The Effects of Jet Lag
  • Powered Industrial Truck Operator Training Standard
  • Munitions Safety
  • From the Troops
  • Asbestos Advisory

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June 1999 - Choose Safety First!

  • From the Editor: Summer Safety
  • Munitions safety: "Hey, look what I found!"
  • Transportation of Explosives by Truck
  • Protect Your Eyes From Fireworks
  • Don't Get Burned, Do It Right!
  • The Dangers of Speed
  • Real People/Real Accidents
  • Safety Alert: Asbestos


Download: 932k

July 1999 - NCO: The Bedrock of Readiness

  • USASC CSM Speaks Out: NCO Leadership
  • Director of Army Safety Shares Thoughts
  • Accident Review: Safety Cannot Be Ignored
  • Fitting Your Kevlar Helmet
  • First NCO Attends Safety Intern Class
  • Safety Is NCO Business
  • Fluid Replacement
  • From the Troops: The Kevlar Helmet: Wear It and Live
  • The ABCs of Airbags

Download: 1111k

August 1999 - Stand Up, Hook Up, Shuffle to the Door, jump right out and count to four

  • Tactical Parachuting - The Rush
  • Guidelines for Safe Jumps
  • Safe Reading - Pass the Word
  • What a Helluva Way to Die
  • Free-Fall Ends in Tragedy
  • Tree Landing

Download: 869k

September 1999 - Fighting the "COLD" war

  • Fighting The "Cold" War
  • Cold Weather Chart
  • Freezing Troops Can Get You In Hot Water!
  • Cold Weather: Enemy of Youth and Inexperience
  • Cold Weather Accident Briefs
  • You Make The Call
  • Safety Alert Notification - HEMTT
  • Countermeasure Readership Survey

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October 1999 - Special Risk Management Issue

  • Risk Management: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow
  • Next Steps in Continuing Army Safety Improvement
  • Organizational Safety Culture
  • Do You REALLY Care?
  • You Make The Call
  • Safety Alert Notification - Gunnery Training



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November 1999 - FY99 POV Roll Call

  • Roll Call
  • From the Editor
  • Food for Thought


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December 1999 - Tis the Season to Put Safety at the Top of your Holiday List

  • Holiday Safety Tips
  • Accident Briefs
  • Heater Safety
  • Get Back to Basics
  • NCO Corner
  • NCO Receives Safety Award
  • You Make the Call
  • CY 99 Index
  • New USASC Initiatives