1997 Economic Census:
Comparative Statistics for Georgia
1987 SIC Basis

Includes only establishments with payroll. Data are in current dollars and have not been adjusted for inflation. Detail may not add to total because of rounding. Introductory text includes scope, methodology, and definitions of symbols.
For descriptions of column headings and rows (industries), click on the appropriate underlined element in the table.
For detail below the sector totals, click on a down arrow. An alternate display has fewer columns.

1987 SIC Description Establishments Sales, receipts, or shipments
Paid employees Annual payroll
1997 1992 % chg 1997 1992 % chg 1997 1992 % chg 1997 1992 % chg
Mining 205 207 -1.0 1,441,860 1,176,037 22.6 6,354 7,904 -19.6 233,362 239,946 -2.7
Construction industries 17,280 13,581 27.2 D 13,958,448 N 160,111 123,888 29.2 4,555,191 2,712,171 68.0
Manufacturing 9,804 9,373 4.6 126,678,011 91,181,236 38.9 552,706 521,005 6.1 16,051,302 12,792,238 25.5
Transportation, communications, and utilities %% ** 7,924 6,368 24.4 34,517,369 23,011,273 50.0 183,540 152,466 20.4 6,558,196 4,788,150 37.0
Wholesale trade 16,132 14,608 10.4 169,616,237 113,803,525 49.0 214,242 179,383 19.4 8,166,296 5,328,901 53.2
Retail trade 44,037 40,934 7.6 74,096,020 49,940,017 48.4 630,376 509,283 23.8 8,458,918 5,809,323 45.6
Financial, insurance, and real estate industries 17,992 14,838 21.3 N 38,653,940 N 190,856 165,396 15.4 7,270,600 4,922,139 47.7
Service industries Taxable 57,434 46,880 22.5 51,436,453 30,802,394 67.0 755,082 501,753 50.5 19,541,575 11,408,737 71.3
Exempt 4,261 3,821 11.5 14,159,891 9,122,273 55.2 185,984 163,242 13.9 5,033,846 3,705,906 35.8
Auxiliaries 1,643 1,515 8.4 1,886,372 N N 115,704 91,190 26.9 5,505,846 3,595,637 53.1
N Comparable data not available
%% Data do not include large certificated passenger carriers that report to the Office of Airline Statistics, U.S. Department of Transportation
** Railroad transportation and U.S. Postal Service industries are out of scope for the 1997 Economic Census

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Source: 1997 Economic Census, Comparative Statistics   Questions?
Last revised: July 13, 2011