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Form of filings and extensions of time.

Regulations current to Aug 30, 2012
Examples: Medical Form, 391.53, 391
Up All Regulations
Up Part 386
< 386.4 386.6 >
Subpart A - Scope of rules; definitions and general provisions

Code of Federal Regulations§ 386.5Form of filings and extensions of time. (a) Form. Each document must be typewritten or legibly handwritten. (b) Contents. Unless otherwise specified in this part, each document must contain a short, plain statement of the facts on which the person's case rests and a brief statement of the action requested in the document. Except by prior order, all contents will be made publicly available. (c) Length. Except for the Notice of Claim and reply, motions, briefs, and other filings may not exceed 20 pages except as permitted by Order following a motion to exceed the page limitation based upon good cause shown. Exhibits or attachments in support of the relevant filing are not included in the page limit. (d) Paper and margins. Filed documents must be printed on 81/2? by 11? paper with a one-inch margin on all four sides of text, to include pagination and footnotes. (e) Spacing, and font size for typewritten documents. Typewritten documents will use the following line format: single-spacing for the caption and footnotes, and double-spacing for the main text. All printed matter must appear in at least 12-point font, including footnotes. (f) Extensions of time. Only those requests showing good cause will be granted. No motion for continuance or postponement of a hearing date filed within 15 days of the date set for a hearing will be granted unless accompanied by an affidavit showing extraordinary circumstances warrant a continuance. Unless directed otherwise by the Agency decisionmaker before whom a matter is pending, the parties may stipulate to reasonable extensions of time by filing the stipulation in the official docket and serving copies on all parties on the certificate of service. Motions for extensions of time must be filed in accordance with §386.6 and served in accordance with §386.7. A copy must also be served upon the person presiding over the proceeding at the time of the filing.
Code of Federal Regulations274
[70 FR 28479, May 18, 2005]

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