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Human Resources and Organizational Management

Headquarters Marine Corps

PHase 5: Your First Year


By this time (after your first 90 days), you should be well integrated into your organization and familiar with your projects and workload. Your Onboarding program for the remainder of your first year provides you with the opportunity to look even farther into your future. There's an old saying, "If it's not on the schedule, it won't get done." Headquarters Marine Corps provides you with tools to put your long-range career development plans on a workable schedule.

The Marine Corps Civilian Leadership Development Program (MCCLDP)

This program provides resources for Civilian Marines to develop their leadership potential in thier chosen fields. It is made up of three distinct programs:

  • Civilian Leadership Development Program (CLDP)
  • Academic Degree Program (ADP)
  • Centrally Managed Civilian Leadership Courses (CMCLC)

 Each of these programs offers an extensive range of assistance toward developing leadership skills, obtaining academic degrees and certificates, and/or participating in advanced personal development programs. Consult the Human MCCLDP web page link on the menu to your right.

Marine Corps Communities of Interest (COI)

In which direction do you want to take your career as a Civilian Marine? There are over 400 different jobs or Series Assignments available to you. All of these jobs fall under one of 21 Communities of Interest (COI). These Communities were created to provide occupational sponsorship or professional identity for all of the jobs available in the Civilian Marine workforce. The ultimate objective of the COIs is to increase opportunities for professional development, networking, and information sharing.

Consult the "Communities of Interest (COI)" section from the right-hand menu for a more in-depth look at this program.


● Select the option "Responsibilities: Your First Year" under "Your Responsibilities" to create a checklist for this phase of your Onboarding process.

Birthday Cake

Your Onboarding Checklist
Onboarding ChecklistClick on the "Onboarding Checklist" button to the right to view the checklist we have provided for this phase of your onboarding.