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Human Resources and Organizational Management

Headquarters Marine Corps

Phase 3: Your First Week
Your first week will probably be a very busy time. Not only will you be acclimatizing yourself to your new surroundings, you'll also be getting to know your co-workers, adjusting to the office climate, learning the technology, and starting to work on the projects to which your supervisor has assigned you.

In addition, you will need to take some very important mandatory training, and you'll be busy procuring your security documentation: your Common Access Card (CAC) (and, in some cases, a building badge). This section of the Onboarding Guide will help you keep everything in order. Meanwhile, you will be expected to stay engaged in your ongoing Onboarding process.

Getting Acclimatized
During your first week in your new office, you should rely heavily on the Onboarding Sponsor whom your Supervisor has assigned to help you get oriented, as well as your Supervisor him/herself. Your Sponsor and Supervisor are both busy people; they won't necessarily know what you don't know. Don't be afraid to ask questions! Everyone feels lost during the first week or so at work.

How do I get around?

Rely on your Sponsor to help you navigate the security features of your building and organization. Assuming your security paperwork is in order, your Common Access Card (CAC) will be issued to you as soon as your Entrance on Duty (EOD) has been processed. In the meantime, you will need to log onto your computer using a login and password.

What do I need to know?

The Federal Government and the Marine Corps have established certain annual trainng requirements for every employee. All of this training may be accomplished online. Consult the "Annual Training Requirements" unit in the section "Your First Week" from the menu to your right to learn the training requirements and to access the online modules.

What's the plan?

Your mid-term and annual performance reviews will be based on your performance in a number of critical elements. During this period, you will need to define these elements together with your Supervisor. Learn more about this topic by reading the unit "Performance Management" in the section "Your First Week" from the menu to your right.

● Select the option "Responsibilities: Your First Week" under "Your Responsibilities" to create a checklist for this phase of your Onboarding process.

Your First Week

Your Onboarding Checklist
 Onboarding ChecklistClick on the "Onboarding Checklist" button to view the checklist we have provided for this phase of your onboarding.