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Far East Activities

Activities Coordinator
Phone: 644-5678


Far East Activities Schedule
Far East Athletics Schedule

Available Academic Events

Creative Expressions
Culinary Arts
English & Drama
Film & Entetainment Arts Festival
Honor Music Festival
Jazz Festival
Junior Science & Humanities Symposium (JSHS)


Activities Posters

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Yale model United Nations (YMUN)

What is MUN?

Model United Nations provides students with the opportunity to learn about and discuss today’s most relevant issues in international diplomacy through participation in an academic simulation of the many bodies of the United Nations as well as other similar international organizations. Through the process of preconference research and in-conference debate, caucusing, and resolution writing, delegates work together to fashion global solutions to these questions, while simultaneously articulating and defending the opinions of the real United Nations ambassadors and delegates whom they represent. Model United Nations allows participants to expand both their understanding and abilities of globally-relevant issues. Pre-conference research on a country’s domestic and foreign policies adds to participant’s knowledge and appreciation of world affairs. By converting this research into resolutions and material for discussion in committee, students hone their analytical abilities, while the debate and lobbying processes afford students the opportunity to practice their public speaking and conflict resolution skills. MUN participants come away from a conference with a more acute understanding of the world we live in and with a greater commitment to finding solutions for its problems. 

 Source: Yale MUN Website

Students Acting as Model Congress2011 HMC Group